First public housing development
Ida B. Wells Homes, was built in 1940. It housed more than 1,600 residents, making it larger than most public housing developments at the time. Photo Courtesy: pubsub.com -
Altgeld Gardens given to CHA
In 1956 Altgeld Gardens was handed over to Chicago Housing Authority. Photo Courtsey: atsdr.cdc.gov -
1969 Gautreaux vs. CHA
In 1969 Gautreaux vs. CHA court case the determined the CHA’s housing plans were racially discriminatory and increased segregation in an already – segregated city. The case set in motion a long-term push to break up concentrated poverty in Chicago’s public housing system. Photo Courtsey: chicagoreporter.com -
HUD takes over CHA
1987, Housing and Urban Development takes over the CHA. Leading to a protest in 1988 that was suspended 40 hours after protest started. Photo Courtsey: hud.gov -
5 million on window repairs and child guards
1993, the CHA approves spending almost 5 million dollars on window repairs and child guards at two complexes. This money was necessary to spend due to all the children dying. Photo Courtsey: cpsc.gov -
CHA recives 30 million
HUD officially promises CHA it will receive 30 million that will be used to rehabilitate buildings not destruct them. Photo Courtsey: opensecrets.org -
Demolition begins in Washington Park Extension
A demolition of 6 low-rised buildings begins in Washington Park Extension. Photo Courtsey: citykin.com -
CHA faces lead lawsuits
CHA starts notifying 325 families that their unites contains “unacceptably high levels of lead.” The Chicago Tribune reported that the CHA claimed they had no money for the lead lawsuits. One year later HUD leant CHA to handle the lead paint situations . Photo Courtsey: health.state.tn.us -
Harrow Homes Demolition
The Darrow Homes demolition project began. Photo Courtsey: article.wn.com -
Plan for transformation
Richard M Daley announced the plan for Transformation. The stated goal was to replace concentrated poverty with mixed incoming housing. Photo Courtsey: chicagotonight.wttw.com -
MTW agreement was executed
The Amended and Restated MTW Agreement that was signed February 2000 by CHA was fully executed. Which extended CHA’s participation in MTW Demonstration Program through FY2018. Photo Courtsey: thecha.org -
Offsite housing acquisition
Property investment intuitive was a strategy offsite housing acquisition plan to buy housing properties photo courtsey: http://www.shutterstock.com -
CHA demolishes Cabrini Green
CHA began demolishing the last remaining high-rises at Cabrini Green. photo courtsey: http://forum.skyscraperpage.com -
Decision for CHA to demolish Altgeld Gardens
The decision for the CHA to demolish Altgeld Gardens have been postponed . photo courtesy: http://radiofreeredoubt.blogspot.com -
CHA's annual plan will be submitted
CHA’s annual plan will be submitted to HUD to inform all stakeholders of CHA’s objectives, goals and vision for the coming fiscal year. photo courtsey: http://successonline.com.au -
CPC plans to construct a new Target
Chicago plan commission plans to construct a new Target where the William Green house once was. poto courtsey: http://sfist.com