Chicago skyline  viewed from john hancock center


  • City of Chicago Community Areas

  • Urban Pattern of Crime Burgess Concentric Zone Model

  • Robery Taylor homes

    -public housing development completed in 1962.
    -It was names after Robert Taylor, an African-American activist and a Chicago housing authority board member.
    -It was composed of 28 high-rise buildings with 16 stories each, and a total of 4,415 units, arranged in U-shaped clusters of three.
    -it was planned for 11,000 inhabitants, but at peak it housed 27,000 people.
    -it was intended to offer for decent affordable housing.
  • Displacement of the African-American Communities (Chicago Ghetto)

    -Displacement is mainly due to the gentrification of the inner city areas.
    -Robert Taylor homes.
    -Gentrification causing high concentration of African-Americans communities in the West and south of the city
  • The Changing face of Homicide in Chicago.

    -Most prevalent in areas with a high concentration of African-Americans, areas of disinvestment and areas of segration