
Cheng Wu's Immigration Story

  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    In my town news is spreading of a California Gold Rush. They say that California is a "gold mountain." If this is true I need to get over there soon. People have been shipping off to get there. I never thought traveling abroad would be an option for me, but now I can see the potential for my life in a different country.
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  • Violence in China

    Violence in China
    Rebellion has spread through the country. It is the middle of the Opium War. China just doesn't feel like the home that I had always known. The Taiping Rebellion caused this war and I don't want to see where it ends up. I need to get out of the country fast. America seems like an option but i have to look more into it.
  • Credit-Ticket System

    Credit-Ticket System
    In my town there are flyers everywhere for this Credit-Ticket System. I found out that this is a way to get into America if you aren't the wealthiest. I looked into it and found a man willing to hire me as his personal assistant for two years in exchange for passage to America. I have been mailing letters to him and says he will send for me soon. I feel as if this is the only way I will ever make it to America. It saddens me that other immigrants can just pay for their passage on their own.
  • Crowded Ship

    Crowded Ship
    I have finally gotten passage to America from my employer. The credit-ticket system seems as if it will work after all! On the other hand, this ship is very crowded and it is miserable. I heard of a story that states that over 450 immigrants suffocated in a ship similar to mine. This worrys me. Shouldn't there be some regulations to make sure people have safe passage to America? I'm new to the life of travel and this is my first experience. I just hope that it gets better. America here I come!
  • America

    I have finally made it to America and I am excited to start my life here. It seems very different. The land has a very different feeling to it: a feeling of freedom. The people are of all cultures. It makes me feel comfortable to see those of my culture here. I met my employer and he seems like a very honest man. I think this will work out very well. The other immigrants who just arrived and spent every penny they had on passage look very desperate. I am glad I have a place to stay and work.
  • Descrimination

    After my two years working as a personal assistant were up, I had to go out on my own. He offered me other work, but it all felt below me. I knew I could do something great. He informed me that I have to start from the bottom, so that is just what I did. I saw that there was an opening at a local mill. I figured out that discrimination is a real problem in the U.S. People of my origin get paid less and have to work worse shifts and longer hours than white people. I guess that this is America.
  • Chinatown

    The area where I found a really cheap apartment, was occupied by people just like me. They were all from China and fled because of all of the violence. I feel as if we can bring the good essence of China to our little town in San Francisco. I'm really happy to be a part of this Chinatown.
  • Drought in China

    Drought in China
    There are street orators that spread news about the homeland in my community. We have leanred about people and land. Recently, there has been a drought in China. All the farmers have been affected and haven't been able to grow crops. I am so glad that this doesn't affect my family since they are cobblers. I just hope that they can get a hold of imported foods. I hope my family and friends can come over to America in the near future to join me. The systems to get here make it very difficult.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    A law has been passed that bans Chinese people from coming into the U.S. This worries me. My friends and family have been wanting to come here and join me in this new life, which even though it isn't all it's said to be, is better than China. I feel as if discrimination against my people has gotten the best of the lawmakers' minds. Sometimes I miss China where all my relatives live. Other immigrants are allowed all of the social connections they want while I have to be so alone.
  • Family

    I finally found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. She came into the country with her brother. They paid for their passage and now have a town house. I just recently purchased a town house from my wages from my new promotion at the mill. I'm happy to have people that I can share my life with now. My family has said that they will enter the country when the time is right. I think that means the near future. My hardships have really paid off to make my life great here in America.