Chemistry video history

  • The birth of a scientist

    The day Hennig Brand was born.
  • Element 15 discovery

    Hennig Brand was evaporating urine and heated the residue until it was red hot and then the glowing phosphorus vapor came off and he condensed it under water.
  • The death of a scientist

    hennig brand death
  • Discovery of Carbon Dioxide

    Black poured acid on a chalky substance and then trapped the air that came out and then to blacks surprise, the air didn’t behave like air at all. He discovered it was heavier than ordinary air and promptly put out a flame
  • A new scientist

    Joseph Black a medical student set out to find a cure for kidney stones.
  • Element 1 discovery

    Henry Cavendish discovered Hydrogen
  • Element 7 Discovery

    Daniel Rutherford Discovered Nitrogen by conducting a experiment were he removed oxygen and carbon dioxide from air and showed that the residual gas would not support the combustion or living organisms.
  • Element 19 discovery

    maverick Cornish chemist Humphry Davy used electricity to rip apart a caustic chemical called potash and he discovered a new element called (potassium).