
Chemistry Timeline Project by Suzanna

  • Simon Ohm

    Simon Ohm
    Simon is known as a German Physicist. He is well known for Ohm's law that described the mathematical relationship between electrical current, resistance and voltage.
  • Thomas Graham

    Thomas Graham
    Thomas Graham is known as the founder of colloidal chemistry. His most wonderful discovery was the law of pf, the diffusion of gases and the new method of separation known as dialysis.
  • Kelvin Lord

    Kelvin Lord
    William Thomson, known as Lord Kelvin is a well known scientist. He is best known today for inventing the international system of absolute temperature that has his name.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Louis Pasteur is a well known French Chemist and Microbiologist. He discovered the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization.
  • Thompson’s CRT, Discovery of Electrons, and Atomic Model

    Thompson’s CRT, Discovery of Electrons, and Atomic Model
    Thomson's experiments showed that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged subatomic particles or electrons. Thomson discovered the electron and his work led to the invention of the mass spectrograph in 1912.
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    Marie Curie is Polish-French Physicist. She discovered Polonium and Radium.
  • Wolfgang Pauli

    Wolfgang Pauli
    Wolfgang Pauli introduced two new numbers and created the Pauli principle. It proposed that no two electrons in an atom could have identical sets of quantum numbers.
  • Sir James Chadwick

    Sir James Chadwick
    Sir James Chadwick is a well known Physicist. Chadwick proved that neutrons exist, that they are particles devoid of any electrical charge.
  • Percy Julian

    Percy Julian
    Percy Julian is known as an American researcher. Julian discovered the first synthesized drug physostigmine, which was only available from the natural source, the Calabar bean.
  • Edith Flanigen

    Edith Flanigen
    Edith Flanigen invented molecular sieves. It is used for drying gases and liquids and for separating molecules on the basis of their sizes and shapes.