4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences
This date is when my parent's divorce became final. I was 8 years old and I was independent/assertive with my needs. It was when the divorce became final and the thought entered my mind that they would not get together or better. That made me anxious and felt like I'm helpless - unable to do anything to improve their relationship. -
1.1 The Beginning
Graduated from HS 5/25/'05. Lived on my own - mum kicked me out. Everything was my responsibility now. -
3.1 Working Memory
Working memory started declining around age 25. Working memory = Amount of Information retained while performing some type of operation. Visual & data memory is good.
It is a bit harder for me to perfectly follow a food recipe I know by heart because I don't bake/cook it often. I have to have a recipe nearby to do it. My working memory isn't good as it used to be. That might affect me when I start cooking more later on. -
6.4 Autonomous
Kel's uncle faced some challenges with finding a job and he was aware that sometimes Life isn't always fair - kept getting declined due to his health. He cares about family a lot and was joyed to have his own family in his 40's.
Right now - I am realizing that life is complex, indeed. It is not straight-forwarded like I used to think it was. Loevinger's stage shows that I can see where I am in the world - how I contribute to it. -
7.2 Transitions
Individualistic to Integrated - maybe recently. I've had some ugly situations come up that evening. It was profound enough to have psych therapy for four months. The textbook states, "old meaning system has been partially given up but new equilibrium has not yet been reached." Right now, I'm stuck between transitions. I know I'm not at self-transcendent - that might happen in a few or couple years? -
7.3 Major Life Event
Experienced my first vacation with my partner, driving down to Virginia then Georgia to visit her family for Christmas/New Years'. That was a stressor in itself. I've had a bad roadtrip with a partner before so I was extremely nervous about this roadtrip. It ended quite well - better than I expected. That was a great feeling after we got back.
I did not have to cope at all. Nothing in the book matched my coping methods for this major event. I kept thinking positive thoughts the entire time. -
2.3 My current Healthy Lifestyle
My current lifestyle is very sedentary. Right now - I'm trying to find ways to lose weight. Starting by eating better then add exercise in when I'm settled in from moving. -
4.3 Adult Attachment Style
My results fell on the secure region of both anxiety and avoidance in my relationship. I feel like this is a good fit for me regarding I've been with my partner for a year now. I used to be in a bad relationship where I developed severe anxiety. Avoidance - it has reduced greatly after I broke my engagement off with the previous ex. -
7.1 Fowler
Individuative-Reflective Faith fits me the best. I came to this stage when I was 14 - after my great-grandfather passed on and I stopped believing in faith. I have progressed to conjunctive faith - it wavers between Individuative-Reflective and Conjunctive faith for the last eight years. Right now I'm at the end of the three religions...
Christian - Atheist - Agnostic - Catholic/Wicca/Hinduism -
6.1 My RIASEC Type
My personality trait is CRS. Found it interesting, considering I used to be a RIS. I love to work w/ my hands but hate office jobs. Some jobs fit my type that are: Nursing Assistants, Psych Aides, Surgical assistants, MRI Tech, and Surgical Tech. Consistent with the job I'm pursuing - kinda. I want to work in the health field but I'm currently majoring in Education. Maybe a change in Masters degree? -
4.1 Young Adult Role Transistion
(January 15th, 2019 is a random date I picked out) It is when I hope I will be able to have a child. Typical age of having this transition? No. Most women have children in their early to mid 20's instead of early 30's. However, women are putting starting family later and later as the years goes by. My challenges might be finding "like-minded" mums who are the same age I am when having a child and not feeling left out by my friends who has older children like 8-13 years old. -
6.2 Super's Stages
According to Super's Stages, right now I'm in Exploration (wrong age...15-24. I'm 30). Soon enough I finally will be in Establishment - Stability and Advancement. I want to work in healthcare field and I will be already taking courses related to it. Advancing up to a position in the hospital. -
4.2 Older Adult Role Transition
This will be an atypical role transition considering I will be 33 when marriage rolls around. There is no typical age to get married and I do not think I will experience any challenges. When I was 18, I dreamt up that I would get married around 26-28...now 30 & no ring. Just a girlfriend who I've been with for almost a year.
Less people are getting married - more cohabiting instead. -
2.2 Genetic Limits
Telomere lengths seems to be shorter when stressed in one's life. There is a possibility to slow down the shortage of the telemores but that requires us to be healthy and active. -
2.4 Potential consequences of my lifestyle
The health risks of diseases are: Cardiovascular. Diabetes and Cancer runs in the family so I have to take extra pre-cautions. I am already pre-diabetic. Exercise and good diet is all I need to reverse the diabetes. As for cancer, there's nothing I can do to prevent from getting it except be healthy and have some indulges. -
2.1 Oxidative Damage
The damage that occurs in our bodies are accompanied by our diet, our lifestyles, our environment (toxic parts), and we need to consume extra vitamins or anti-oxidants to slow down the damage occuring in our bodies. This will happen when I'm 50 (in 20 years). -
3.2 Problem Solving
Decision making/Problem Solving - This might start declining at 60? I cannot predict that but probably around that time. Regarding knowledge, the speed of making decisions would be shorter considering that I have made this decision previously and it turned out good/bad.
For emotional decisions, it might take longer to make decision regarding ethics. -
8.1 The End
Chelsea passed away peacefully in her sleep on 5 May 2061. She was born in Twin Falls, ID where she grew up and attended Idaho School for the Deaf & the Blind. She went to Gallaudet for Elementary Ed., later on she got her Ph.D in Human Sexuality. Chelsea married her spouse in 2020 then had two children soon after. She loved gardening, yoga, activities with her spouse, and most of all, Harry Potter. Memorial Service will be on Saturday, 15 May at 1300. -
6.3 Ego Integrity
Kylene mentioned her grandfather did not want to go back to any age. He was content with where he is right now. He felt like now is the peak moment of his life - travelling the world with his grandson/Kylene's cousin, Calvin Young.
I hope to look back and feel satisfaction with my life overall. Right now I feel like I've had a good life...with one or two years of hard times. This stage will be on my 80th birthday. (: