Checkpoint #3

  • Tom Watson and the Populist

    Tom was a politician. He served the house and the assembly then he served the senate.
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    union blockade of georgia

    It was centered in savannah. Bases beyond were secured as well.
  • chickamauga

    There was a battle there. It had the second highest number of causalities.
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    Sherman Atlanta campain

    Sherman faced the confederate generals. There were several battles between them
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    International Cotton Exposition

    This was a world fair. IT was located near a railroad.
  • Booker T. Washington

    He was the last generation of blacks born into slavery. He later became very important.
  • Plessy vs Fergonson

    It was a supreme court case. It was an argument allowing states to pass laws about segregation.
  • Alonzo Hernado

    He was an African american. He was the creator of Atlanta insurance company.
  • 1906 Atlanta Riot

    Many Africans were killed. The reason was a group of black men raped four white women.
  • John and Lugenia Hope

    They were married in 1897. John was later a institution president.
  • Web dubois

    Web was many things. One thing was he was a history professer. He was against segregation.
  • Leo Frank case

    Leo Frank was a Jew. he was accused of murder.
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    World War 1

    A war that spread all over the world. It had started in Europe.
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    County Unit System

    This was a voting system. It was used in the state of Georgia.
  • Eugene Talmadge

    Talmadge was a democratic politician. He served four terms
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    The great depression

    It began after the stock market crash.It was the longest rundown in Americas history.
  • civilian conservation corps

    CCC was a public work relief. It was operated for unmarried men.
  • agricultural adjustment act

    It was known as AAA. Its plan was to raise the value of crops.
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    andersonville prison camp

    Its a reminder of the civil war. Its also a historical sight.