Period: 8000 BCE to 1000 BCE
Archiac Indians
Hunter communities were increasing in places like the southeast in the Archaic time period. The woodland were broadly dated from the 1000bc to about the 900ad. -
Period: 1000 BCE to Jan 1, 900
Woodland indians
They watch the development of a lot of friends. the places had become permanent in the woodland time period. Agriculture was important in a lot of places of the southeast in the late woodland. -
Period: Jan 1, 900 to
Mississpian indians
This time period was in the midwestern and the southeatern parts of what is now united states. There way of life was greater than just landscape it was a social structure. -
Period: Nov 1, 1500 to
Paleo Indians
Paleo indians travel on land and water. During the extinction many animals like horses moved inland. In the upper part of georgia spruce and pine tree forest were traded for hradwoods. -
Mar 3, 1540
Hernando de sato
He came to georgia in 1540 he also encountered other places during his trip in georgia. He was a spanish traveler and congueror. He also traveled through the blue ridge mountians. -
Charter of 1732
James oglethrope was granted the trustees in 1732 by King George the second. The chapter provided new colony between the head waters. -
Salzburges arrive
They were German speaking protestand from the town of Ebenezer. They survived hardships in both Europe and georgia -
Period: to
John reynolds
In 1746 he served as a captian on the Arundel a boat with forty guns. When he was fifteen he offered his service in the british army. -
Period: to
Henry ellis
He was the second royal leader of governor. They used to call him the second founder. -
Georgia Founded
Electric cooperatives served georgia's counties from the 1930's -
Highlands Scots Arrive
Lanchan McIntosh was a resident of the trustee georgia people. In the 11730 the prohibit no matter what. -
Period: to
James wright
He was the