Period: 8000 BCE to 1000 BCE
The archaic happen about 10,000 to 8,000 years ago. When this happen large animals came extinct -
Period: 1500 BCE to 8000 BCE
There really any sites that have been seen before the 1930's. Now there are almost 32,000 sites that have been seen -
Period: 1500 BCE to Jan 1, 1500
hernado de soto
He was born 1495 may 21 he died of a fever in 1945. He was one of the first europeans that went on a expidition when it was deep modern day in the united states -
Period: 1000 BCE to Jan 1, 1000
During this time there was a lot of culture changing going on. In the late woodland time the village farmer tradition was going away -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
This was the last major prehistoric culture developed in north america. There was a little town just for the missipian -
Period: to
charter of 1732
when ever it was the first 20 years of georgia they looked at that and called that a trustee. They created the bored of georgia on april 21, 17 -
Period: to
salzburgurgers arrived
they were the protesent speaking german speaking colinest. When ever they arrived they had gotten support from king george so they had a lot more support than some people had. -
Period: to
Georgia founded
It was one of the last colinie out of all of the 13 states that were getting ratified. The state of georgia was named after the king george -
Georgia Ratifies Constitution
The delegates voted to ratify the u.s constitution and four other states also did it. they ratified it january 2 1788 -
Period: to 1 BCE
yazoo land fraud
It was a big scheme by the georgia legislation. They were bribed for halfe a million dollars (500,000) dollars. -
Period: to
Capital moved to louisville
The country grew because of the migration of all of the immigration that was coming in. today Louisville remains a farming county -
Period: to
highland scotts arrived
there was a large amount of english people in the state of georgiaThey wer eno original settler