
Chasing Lincoln's Killer Timeline

  • Other Attempt

    Booth and his conspirators plan to kidnap the president on a carriage ride home but a detective stops the plot by telling Lincoln to go through the city incognito.
  • Civil war

    On April 3, 1865 Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate's capital falls to the Union.
  • The Day

    At 10:13 pm Booth assassinated president Abraham Lincoln.
  • Beginning of the Great Escape

    Booth crosses the Navy Yard Bridge about 10:45 into Maryland where he meets with Herold and they start the escape
  • At Mudd's Farm

    Booth and Herold ride their horses but Booth has a bad pain in his foot so they stop on Samuel A. Mudd's house to find out what is wrong which turns out to be a broken fibula. So they stay there and then leave with directions from Mudd.
  • Visit to Captain Cox and Thomas Jones

    At night Booth and Herold went to captain Samuel Cox's farm in need of help crossing the Potomac river. So Cox hides them in a pine thicket and sends a friend of his named Thomas Jones talks to them and says he can take them across but they will have to wait.
  • "Crossing" the Potomac River

    After waiting 4 days late at Thomas Jones saw it was the time so he took Booth and Herold to his boat and told him to take the boat. Then he sent Booth directions on his compass to cross it and sent them off the shore but they lost direction and ended up rounding back to a far off side of Maryland.
  • Actually crossing the Potamac River

    After waiting two more nights they actually cross the river to Virginia and find a confederate spy who gets them some horses.
  • Getting to the Garrett's

    Booth and Herold get across the Rappahannock river by a fisher named William Rollins and meet with three Confederate soldiers and they help them get to the Garret's farm where they could rest.
  • Booth gets shot and killed

    In the Tobacco barn Booth is trying to survive them but Herold gives himself up and the barn is on fire. So Booth decides to do a final duel but before that happens he is shot in the neck and suffocates to death.
  • Mary Surrat, Lewis Powell, David Herold, Samuel Arnold, Micheal 'O Laughlan, and George Atzerodt are hung

    After the capture and trial of all 6 conspirators they are all publicly hung and die.
  • Getting denied by the Garrett's

    After staying two nights at the Garrett's Booth and Herold are denied to stay another night in the house and are forced to stay in the Tobacco Barn but are locked in and then army men show up to take Booth into custody.