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Chasing LIncoln's Killer

  • Lincoln's Inauguration

    Lincoln's Inauguration
    "Fondly do we hope...." viewing from the stands was John Wilkes Booth.
  • The Union Won.

    The Union  Won.
    The North were celebrating the fall of Richmond. They waved flags, had a parade, shot guns, and sang "Dixie" .
  • The Surrender .

    The Surrender .
    Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union general Grant at Appomattox .
  • The Humorous Speech .

    The Humorous Speech   .
    From the Executive Mansion Lincoln asks the band to play "Dixie" to celebrate the end of the war .
  • The Torchlight Parade.

    The Torchlight Parade.
    The people were celebrating by a parade of torches and bands.
  • Illumination of Washington

    Illumination of Washington
    Washington D.C. Illuminates in lights.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    Lincoln gets shot be John Wilkes Booth.
  • Booth Finds Allies

    Booth Finds Allies
    Booth recruits David Herold, George Atzerodt, and Lewis Powell to simultaneously murder the president, vice president and the secretary of state.