Lincoln's Inauguration Speech
"Fondly do we hope..." Veiwing from the stands -
The Union Won
The North where celebrating the fall of Richmond. They waved flags, hade a parade, shot guns, and sang "Dixie". -
The Surrender
Confederate General Robert E Lee surrendered to Union General Grant at Appomattox. -
The Humorous Speech
From the Executive mantion, Linclon asks to play the song "DIxie" to cecebrate the end of the war. -
The Celebration
A torch parade of a few thousand people with bands and banners assembled on the semiciruler driveway of the Executive Mantion. -
End of the War
People celebrate the end of the war by lighting up candles, torches, gaslights, and fireworks. -
Lincoln's Assassination
Booth Finds Allies
Booth recruits David Harold, George Atzerodt to simultaneously execute the president, vice president, and the secretary of state -
Booth goes to Surrat's Tavern
Booth goes to Dr.Mudd's home for treatment
Booth goes to Colonel Cox’s Home
Booth travels across Pope's Creek
Booth goes to the Garrett's farm
Booth Dies