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Chasing Lincoln's Killer

  • Lincoln's Inauguration Speech

    Lincoln's Inauguration Speech
    "Fondly do we hope..." Veiwing from the stands
  • The Union Won

    The North where celebrating the fall of Richmond. They waved flags, hade a parade, shot guns, and sang "Dixie".
  • The Surrender

    Confederate General Robert E Lee surrendered to Union General Grant at Appomattox.
  • The Humorous Speech

    From the Executive mantion, Linclon asks to play the song "DIxie" to cecebrate the end of the war.
  • The Celebration

    A torch parade of a few thousand people with bands and banners assembled on the semiciruler driveway of the Executive Mantion.
  • End of the War

    People celebrate the end of the war by lighting up candles, torches, gaslights, and fireworks.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

  • Booth Finds Allies

    Booth recruits David Harold, George Atzerodt to simultaneously execute the president, vice president, and the secretary of state
  • Booth goes to Surrat's Tavern

  • Booth goes to Dr.Mudd's home for treatment

  • Booth goes to Colonel Cox’s Home

  • Booth travels across Pope's Creek

  • Booth goes to the Garrett's farm

  • Booth Dies