By zan#30
  • son willie

    They both took the loss hard
  • in she

    She had helped nurse wollie Lincoln ill with typhoid fever unil his death
  • civil war

    Lincoln had always believed in and sometimes feared the power of dreams.
  • instead

    Instead he was in Elmira in upstat New York
  • thomas

    Thomas Jones appeared to go about his bisiness as unual
  • lee surrendered

  • but dr mudd

    but Dr mudd saw no more of Booth
  • by later booyh

    Booth had hatch the risky plan to kidnap President Lincoln
  • booth and his henchmen

    Would change chep talk to big action by kidnapping the president
  • Parade

    There was a torchlight parade.
  • Lincoln's speech

    Days later Richmond fell, and then General Lee surrendered
  • celebration

    All of washington had celbrated with a grand illumination of the city
  • john runs

    John shoots lincoln then tries to run but get his jacket pulled back by Major Rathbone
  • now booth

    assembled enough men to accomplish anther mission
  • was mjestic

    And simple he arrived with no crowd of guards or stuff and no announcement to the audience
  • Mudd assumed

    Mudd assumed that the Union victory had changed the actor's plans and the scheme to kidnap the president had been abandoned
  • hours began

    bwgan six months earieler in montreal, Canada
  • more then

    More then once they had thought Lincoln had passed away
  • Washington city