
Chasing Lincoln's Killer

  • Lincoln's Inauguration Speech

    "Fondly do we hope..." viewing from the stands is John Wikes Booth.
  • Union Victory

    The north celebrated the fall of Richmond. The people built bonfires, walked in parades, and sang "Dixie".
  • Surrender

    Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to the Union General Grant at Appomattox. Booth wanders the streets.
  • Humorous Speech

    From the Executive Mansion, Presidant Lincoln asked the badn to play "Dixie".
  • Torchlight Parade

    Thousands of people gathered at the Executive Mansion with banners and bands to celebrate
  • Grand Illumination

    Washington DC celebrated the victory of the Union which involved candles, torches, gaslights, and fireworks.
  • Booth purposes Lincoln's Assassination

    Booth conspires with George Arzerodt, Lewis Powell and David Herold to murder the president, vice president, secretary of state.
  • Ford's Theatre

    At 10 pm John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth jumped off the balcony and jumped off the stage.
  • Booth shoots Lincoln

    Booth shot Lincoln in the left side of his head and on the angle it went through the skull and rested behind his left eye.
  • Lincoln dies

    The manhunt didn’t really start until Lincoln died for sure.
  • John Wilkes Booth was Cornered

    Booth was found in Garret's Barn and surrounded by cavalry he was asked to surrender but didn't and got shot.