Charley Goddard's Civil War Timeline

  • Charley's Birth

    Charley Goddard is born in Union County, Pennsylvania. Charley lives here for six years with his family until he moves.
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    Charley's Life for Seven Years

    Charley lives with his family in Pennsylvania.
  • Charley Goddard Moves to Winona Minnesota

    Charley Goddard moves to Winona, Minnesota with his family at the age of seven.
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    Living in Winona

    Charley Goddard lives in Winona Minnesota on farm with his family.
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    Civil War Time Period

    This is the length of the Civil War. During this period there are battles relvant and irrelavant to Charley.
  • The Begining of the War

    The Civil War begins with hostilities at the bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. The war was expected to last a few months but lasted for four years.
  • Charley Enlisted in Company K

    Charley Goddard enlisted into Company K to fight in the American Civil War.
  • To Fort Snelling

    Charlie and his regiment move to Fort Snelling. Here they train hours a day with drills and shooting practice. Here they are waiting for new orders from President Lincoln.
  • Orederd to Washington

    Charley's regiment is orderd to move to Washington Ariving at midnight June 26th 1861.
  • A Encounter With a Slave

    Charley sees a slave in the streets of Monnases. The slave thanks Charley for fighting, but Charley has no idea why. After the slave's master drags her in to the house.
  • Bull Run Day One

    Charley goddard is sick during his regiments first battle. The rebels where well fortified and caught the Union by suprise.
  • Fireflies Amaze Charley at Bull Run

    In the middle of the night Charley sees laterns in the meadow. Soldiers from both side are looking for there friends that may have fallen in the massacre. Charley describes the sight to be preety after all of the horrors he witnessed in the day.
  • Bull Run Day Two the Retreat

    Company K covers the flank so union can escape from Bull Run. Company K fought valiantly ,but suffered the most losses. In the end the retreat was succesful. Company K suffered the most losses in the battle. There were 48 killed, 83 wounded, 23 wounded and missing, and 30 missing.
  • The Second Day of Bull Run

    Charley and Company K march to encounter the rebels once again in the meadow at Bull Run. Making way to the rebel camp the discover that the left during the night. Charley and other soldiers find out that the rebels were well fortified and they would have never been able to win the fight.
  • Nelson's Death

    Charley is in another small battle next to a fellow soldier named Nelson. Nelson was shot in the stomach. Nothing could be done to save his life. He asked if charley could load his musket. Charley does as he asks and Nelson kills himself after Charley turns around.
  • Camp at Falmouth Virginia

    Company K and many other Union regiments camp at Falmouth Virginia. We Believe this is the camp Gary Paulsen wrote about because in the novel they stay in a winter camp for a long period of time. In the Civil War this is the only camp that was stayed at for a long period of time.
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    Time Spent at Falmouth

    This is the time spent at Falmouth Virgina. Company K and many other regiments (90,000 men) stay here. Disease also spreads through the camp like a wild fire. The people that die the most are people from the city. Food is also very scarce during this time.
  • Trading With a Rebel

    Charley Goddard is on watch duty at the camp. A rebel across the river asks him if he has coffee. Charley trades him coffee for tabacco even though he dosen't use it he can trade it. They talk for a while and find out that they are both farm boys and not much different.
  • The Rebel Fires Back

    Charley goes to trade with the rebel a second time the day after. As Charley calls out to the rebel the rebel shoots. Charley realizes that the agreement was over.
  • Horses for Food

    The Union captures rebel horses for food. Charley is ordered to kill the horses. This event scars Charleyt because working with horses was a every day event.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    Company K is attacked by calvary at Hayamarket with little losses. The Battle lasts until May fifth. We believe that this is the unknown battle in the novel Soldier's Heart for sevral reasons. Reason number one is that it is the only battle before Gettysburg while they are in the winter camp. The other reason is they were attacked with calvary as in the story.
  • Leaving the Camp

    Company K and other regiments leave Falmouth. Here Company K will see two more battles before the war is over.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburgs lasts for two days for Company K before they were close to completly destroyed. Here Charley is shot in the knee during a charge to stop the rebel advance. 215 men were killed wounded or missing during the battle.
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    After Gettysburg

    Here are battles that are irrelevant to the story. Company K was not in any of these because the ones that surrvied Gettysburg were sent home.
  • The End of the War

    The seven year Civil War is finally over. All regiments return home and peace is made again in America. The war was costley and gave useless bloodshed in the country causeing it to be a major set back to the growth of America.
  • Death or Life

    Charley mortally wounded can only hobble around with a cane. He is 21 years in age but mentally a old man. He goes on picnics and ponders killing himself with a rebel revolver. He has been on many picnics before but still hasn't made a decision.
  • The Death of Charley Goddard

    The real Charley died of disease after wining the Keeper of Deeds election againts his Democratic opponet. Charley was 22 when he died.