
Charles Darwin's - Polish Immigration.

  • Leaving

    I am leaving Poland, the Russians are forcing us to assimilate with their russification act and i don't want to assimilate. I have heard of a place not so far away called America. Where you always have a job, land, and are free.
  • Period: to

    The Immigration

  • The Boat Ride

    The Boat Ride
    I had a horrible boat ride in steerage. The nights were the worst, I feared that Iwould roll off my top bunk onto the floor. It took me about two hours at night to fall asleep because the rocking made me want to vomite.
  • Arrival

    I have arrived at Ellis Island. America is so close now, I can see it across the bay. Now I start days of on-going inspections. I pray that i don't fail any or else I have to go on that long, sickening boat ride again.
  • America!

    I finished my final inspections and have left Ellis Island. I was walking down the street feeling good about myself, i had my grandma's pearl necklas which meant that I had money. All of a suddon a man runs up, grabs my suit case and makes off with it. I chased him down and tackled him. I was too late though, I watched as my grandma's necklas flew threw the air and hit the ground and shattered. It was worth nothing now. So I got my close, found a place to stay, and got a job at a sweat shop.
  • Fed Up

    Fed Up
    I am fed up with Boston and i want to move west. Boston has horrible jobs that I earn nearly nothing for doing, and everyone is cheating me. This is not the American dream that I want to live. The west is full of oppertunity though, it has cheap land, high wages, and safe work.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Just my luck, the Dawes Act was passed. Native Americans are selling their land for cheap cheap cheap. And I just might have to buy some.
  • I'm Gone

    I'm Gone
    I have decided to join a mining group that is heading west toward Washington. We will be mining all across the country on the way so I won't show up to Washington empty handed. I met a nice man in my mining crew he seems to be the only person I can trust in America.
  • The Explosion

    The Explosion
    We are half way to Washington, and we stopped to mine. We've been mining all day and some of the workers are getting careless. I thought that it was harmless at first, but I was dead wrong. We were about to blow away some big boulders when someone lit the fuse to early. The dynamite exploded in a tragic accident killing five crew members, including my friend.
  • Washington

    I arrived with the miners in washington and quickly quit my mining job. I wanted to get away from the bad memories of my friend being blown up. I found some good land and bought it from the Native American with the money I had saved up while mining.
  • Finally

    I have built my house and my farm. I make a good wage and have a lot of land. This is the American dream.