Charles Babbage

  • Charles Babbage, Father of the Computer.

    Charles Babbage wanted to create an automatic calculator. This was the start of the concept of a programmable computer. His notes throughout building his first computer design were used to motivate and influence other geniuses creators to keep his work going.
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace was the first ever computer programmer. She was Babbage's student and he referred to her as the number princess. Ada Lovelace was super intelligent and while studying Babbage's notes, she wrote her own, and corrected his calculations, making the first ever computer work for real.
  • ENIAC Programmers

    Also during WWII, the ENIAC programmers needed to help as well. since it was impossible for soldiers to calculate a bomb trajectory during the war, human computers were always expected to calculate it for the soldiers. The ENIAC was programmed by women to calculate these trajectories quicker.
  • Mauchly and Eckert

    Mauchly and Eckert were also very intelligent and wanted to help in WWII in any way they could. Using Lovelace's work/notes, they programmed a computer to daily crack german codes that were impossible for a human to do so alone.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing developed a test for artificial intelligence that is still used to this day. He published a paper, based on Lovelace's notes, that became the foundation for computer programming.
  • Grace Hopper

    programming computers were not easy and were very different from how we know it today. Grace Hopper was one of the women that needed to physically crawl into a computer to program it. Along with her peers, they used the notes from Lovelace and made them simpler to program the computers however they wanted.
  • Mark Dean

    Mark Dean took a different approach to computer function. The machines were able to calculate faster than a human, with more precision, but they needed more. He created the first gigahertz processing chip so the computers could not just calculate information, but store them as well.