Apr 2, 742
Charlemagne is born
Charlegmane also knows as Charles I was born to Pepin III and Bertrada of Laon. Photo Sources: http://hoocher.com/Charlamagne/Charlemagne.html -
Jan 1, 751
Pepin becomes king
Pepin becomes the first king of the Franks. He was the first Frankish king to be chosen first by St. Boniface and later by Pope Stephen II. Photo sources:http://movies.pics/biography/pippin_(iii) -
Jan 1, 770
Charlemagne gets marry
Seeking advantage over his brother, Charlemagne formed an alliance with Desiderius, king of the Lombards, he accepted as his wife the daughter of Desiderius. The marriage did not last more than a year. -
Dec 4, 771
Carloman Dies
When Carloman died suddenly, Charlemagne became sole ruler. Photo sources:
http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/Carloman_of_France_(866-884) -
Jan 1, 772
Charlemagne invades the Saxon's
He invaded Saxony and eventually achieved its total conquest and conversion to Christianity.
Photo Sources:https://kimrendfeld.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/which-route-did-charlemagne-take-to-invade-saxony/ -
Jan 1, 774
Charlemagne Invades Lombards
He attacks and conquers the kingdom of the Lombards in northern Italy.
Photo Sources:http://www.gettyimages.nl/ -
The purpose of this timeline is to give viewers a little insight on Charles I also known as Charlemagne. -
Pepin dies
After Pepin death his kingdom was divided between his two sons Charlemagne and Carloman. Soon after rivalry between the two brother began. -
Charlemagne Dies
Charlemagne dies, soon after his empire falls. Photo Sources: http://midtermcharlemagne.blogspot.com/ -
Charlemagne's mother dies
Bertrada dies -
Rebellion against Pope Leo III
a rebellion against Pope Leo III began. Charlemagne went to his aid in Rome and defeated the rebellion.
Photo Sources:http://aventalearning.com/content168staging/2008KMSSocStudies6/SemB//lesson13/html/page_6.html -
Charlemagne is crowned Emperor of Rome
This was a gift for helping Pope Leo III. -
The Saxon's are defeated
After years of fighting with them Charlemagne finally won, giving him a bigger empire.