William James
He was the psychologist who disagreed with the structuralist approach was Harvard university professor. He was the first American psychologist. -
Ivan Pavlov
Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov fueled a move in psychology toward an interest in observable behaviors and away from the self examination of inner ideas. -
Sigmund Freud
He was an Austrian physician, in 1900 he introduced the world to psychoanalysis. -
Edward B. Titchener
Introduced structuralism,the first major school of thought in psychology. Just as a chemist tries to understand the different elements in chemical compounds. -
Wihelm Wundt
German philosopher and physiologist. Father of psychology conducted experiments of perceptions, sensations, and feelings using introspection. -
John B. Watson
wanted psychology to move in more experimental direction and to that he end he launched behaviorism. -
Melanie Klein
Austrian psychoanalyst, Melanie Klein reached academic fame in the early 20th century for her work on psychoanalytic child psychology. -
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic psychology led by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. -
Jean Piaget
Swiss biologist and psychologist Jean Piaget is another pioneer he is best known for his work on how children develop their thinking abilities. -
Mamie Phipps Clark
Her work with children showed that African American children became aware of their racial identity at about three years old. She found that many African American children who where tested and informed they had a learning disability or disabled were diagnosed incorrectly due to biased psychological testing. -
Carl Rogers
Humanistic psychology led by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, rejected the idea that humans are controlled by a series of rewards and reinforcements. -
B.F Skinner
In the years since this school of thought has been modified some what by other behaviorists such as B.F Skinner. -
Richard Suinn
Suinn has conducted extensive research in the areas of sport psychology, behaviors and ethnic minority