Period: 742 to 814
Charlemagne was a great Germanic king who was crowned emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III. Charlemagne was a great and wise leader. -
Abbasid Dynasty
In 750, Abu al-Abbas, a descendant of Muhammad's uncle, overthrew the Umayyad dynasty. He then, in turn, established the Abbasid dynasty which lasted until 1258. -
Charlemagne Crowned Emperor of Rome
On Christmas Day of 800 C.E., after assisting the Pope by protecting him, Charlemagne was crowned the emperor of the Romans. -
Period: 800 to 1000
Viking Attacks
Throughout this period in time, the Vikings began harsh attacks on Europe and ended up seizing control over a decent portion of land from the Europeans. -
Treaty of Verdun
After their father died, the brothers Charles, Loius, and Lothar signed the Treaty of Verdun. This treaty divided the Carolingian Empire into three territories each ruled by one of the brothers. -
Period: 1000 to 1300
Agricultural Revolution
During this period, a combination of a better climate and advancements in technology led to great agricultural success in Europe. In fact, the population almost doubled. -
Period: 1000 to 1200
New Cities
During this time period, a lot of new cities were made to make up for the quickly growing population that resulted from Europe's agricultural success. These cities were often governed by a king and surrounded by fortified walls. -
The Song of Roland
This poem was the first example of a chanson de geste poem, or heroic epic. This genre of writing featured male dominance and was about battles between men in war or politics. -
Period: 1100 to 1200
Gothic Cathedrals
The design for Gothic Cathedrals was worked on and finished between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. These cathedrals were different from the then-common Romanesque cathedrals because of their pointed arches. -
Fairs of Champagne
The counts from a French city named Champagne decided to host six annual trade fairs to encourage trade in their city.