Chapter one
In chapter one pg.6. Old major calls a meating in the farm. Old major had a dream that all of man kind would be gone and animals would ruel the farm. When he saw all the animals were all present he told everyine that dream. -
beast of England
Chapter: 1 pg. 32
Afer Old Major was done giving his speach they started to sing beasts of England. But Mr.Jones thought their was a fox or soomething scaring the aniamls so he took his shot gun and shoot it at the barn. -
old major dies
chapter: 2 pg. 35
after the barn meeting old major dies in his sleep. he was buaried in the orcher.This was in early march. in the three months that past their was a lot of secret activety.Old Majors speach had inspeird the animals. They spent days ploting how the where going to take over the farm. -
attack of the animals
chapter: 2 pg.38
It happend at night they were so hungry they attacked the shed. Mr.Jones herd the recuse so he took his shot gun and went outside, he saw the animals attacking the shed he tried to stop them. But he got trampled on. all the animals have succseded and have tacken over the farm. -
chapter:2 pg.40
After the attack they burned the whps the clothing, ribbens and hats. they burned everything.this made molly the horse very sad about the whole ribben thing. -
the seven rules
chapter: 2 pg.43