Chapter 9

  • Seward purchased Alaska

    Seward purchased Alaska
    Seward purchased Alaska from Russia. It was a big bargain because of all the resources we got from Alaska.
  • Seward Retired

    Seward retired. He was considering getting Hawaii, but didn't.
  • Queen Liliuokalani became leader

    Queen Liliuokalani became leader
    Queen Liliuokalani became the leader of Hawaii. She tried to limit the United State's power.
  • U.S. Took over Hawaii

    U.S. Took over Hawaii
    The United States took over Hawaii. They overthrew Queen Liliuokalani and set up their own government.
  • McKinley sent Maine to Cuba

    McKinley sent Maine to Cuba
    McKinley sent the U.S.S. Maine to over to Cuba. Next month, the ship was blown up.
  • Spanish-American War began

    Spanish-American War began
    McKinley gave the Spanish 3 days to resign power after the U.S.S. Maine was blown up. The Spanish didn't, and the Spanish-American War began
  • Battle in Manila Bay

    The Battle in Manila Bay started. U.S. troops took Manila over in the end when they won.
  • Spain signed a truce

    Spain signed a truce with America. America had destroyed a lot of Spain's fleet and people.
  • Final Peace Treaty Signed

    The final peace treaty was signed between Spain and the United States. Spain had to agree to give up colonies.
  • Puerto Rico governed themselves

    Puerto Rico governed themselves
    The U.S. let Puerto Rico govern themselves. They granted U.S. citizenship to them, though.