Chapter 8: History of Drug Use and Drug Legislation

  • Drug Policies Racial and Ethnic Groups 1700-Present

    For as long as history records, there has always been a significantly large predisposition of drug exposure and drug use in the US. Due to constant mistreatment and discrimination of minorities we are at a disadvange as far as opportunitgies that are available
  • Period: to

    Drug Policies Racial and Ethnic Groups

    For as long as history records, there has always been a significantly large predisposition of drug exposure and drug use in the US. Due to constant mistreatment and discrimination of minorities we are at a disadvantage as far as opportunities that are available
  • Patent of Medicine

    Even though some medicines were created as anecdotes for others and patented they were later modified based on their addictiveness
  • Sinclair The Jungle

    Novel created by an American journalist portraying the harsh conditions and exploited lives of immigrants in the US in Chicago and other similar industrialized cities.
  • The Pure Food and Drug Act

    The 1st consumer protection law that prevented the manufacturing, sale, and transportation of altered or misbranded or poisonous foods, drugs, medications or liquors
  • Harrison Narcotics Act

    Federal Law that regulates and taxes the production, importation, and distribution of opiates and coca plants
  • Crack Cocaine

    freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked and offers a short term high. Highly addictive and has caused a rapid increase in use and availability. The Crack Epidemic
  • Ronald Reagan

    Actor turned Politician known for heading his campaign off of the "war on drugs"
  • Drug Rehabilitation Programs

    have become more popular with the Crack Epidemic and Heroin Epidemic