Chapter 7 Education Timeline

  • 510 BCE

    Pythagoras Academy

    Pythagoras Academy
  • 382 BCE

    Manuscript translation

    Manuscript translations for text were done so more people could read them.
  • 1450

    Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press was created
  • first public schools

    The first public school was opened in the American colonies, Boston Latin school
  • Harvard opens

    Harvard college opens and has its beginnings as a seminary.
  • First laws for education

    Massachussetts Bay Colony passes a law that requires all parents to teach their children to read.
  • Quaker schools

    Quaker school for black students opens up in Philadelphia
  • Chalkboards

    Schools started using chalkboards and chalkboard slates in the classrooms.
  • Books

    In the 1800's is when books started to be introduced as teaching tools in the classroom
  • NYPSS is formed

    The New York Public School Society is formed.
  • First free High School

    Boston’s English High School opens with 102 students. The school is the first tuition-free public high school to teach no language but English.
  • First board of education

    Massachussetts creates the first board of education
  • Handwriting teaching System

    Platt Rogers Spencer develops the first widely used handwriting teaching system in schools, called Spencerian penmanship.
  • First school for disabled

    First school to cater to mental disabilities open in Massachussetts.
  • Attendance laws

    Massachussetts enacts the first compulsory school-attendance law in the U.S.
  • Physical education in schools

    The NEA announces its support of physical education in public schools.
  • Music in Schools

    The NEA announces its support of music education in public schools.
  • Women going to college

    Women enter the University of Michigan for the first time.
  • Kindergarten

    The board of education in St. Louis establishes the first successful public school kindergarten.
  • Sec Ed. in schools

    A sex education program is introduced citywide in public high schools in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Audiovisual age

    They started to implement radios into the classroom
  • Aviation classes

    Haaren High School in New York offers the first aviation course to students.
  • projector

    The film strip projector was introduced in classrooms
  • Overhead projector

    Overhead projector was used
  • School Lunch

    The United States Congress approves the National School Lunch Act of 1946, creating the modern school lunch program
  • Television

    In 1960 Televisions were stating to be used in schools
  • VCR

    VCR tapes were used with the televisions for informations videos
  • Audio tapes

    Audio tapes began
  • Charter Schools

    Birth of Charter Schools in Minnesota
  • Computer Age

    Computer labs started popping up in schools
  • Smartboard

    First SMARTboard interactive board was used in classrooms
  • Children of undocumented immigrants in schools

    Law passes in California to make it illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to attend public schools.
  • technology in classrooms

    An NCES study reveals that only 31% of new teachers feel "very
    well prepared" to integrate technology into their curriculum.
  • Presentations

    Powerpoint and prezi take over for essays. page 196
  • Digital storytelling

    Digital storytelling with imovie. page. 196
  • E-books

    Students are starting to use software to create their own e-books. page. 196
  • Word Processors

    Many students are using word processors to write online. page. 195
  • Cell phones

    More and more schools are allowing children to use phones in class. page. 195
  • Personal technology

    Schools are now offering their students tablets or personal computers to work with. Page. 193
  • sources

    Ryan, Cooper, Bolick. Those Who Can, Teach (without MindTap), 14th ed., Wadsworth, 2015.
    ISBN: 9781305077690. ism. The History of Education: 1600-200.,