Chapter 7

By kaleaw
  • First Public School in United States

    Boston Latin School: Still the oldest public school in America. (American Board, 2015)
  • Girls Education

    Were not taught how to write, but how to read. (American Board, 2015)
  • Average School Day

    The average American spent only 82 days at school. (Brennan, 2001)
  • Poor Don't Need to Pay for Education

    Pennsylvania says only poor get free education, the rich have to pay for theirs. (2015)
  • The Chalkboard

    The chalkboard was introduced, and not truly used until later when teachers started to teach the same lesson to a huge group of students. (Bolick, Cooper, Ryan, pg. 186)
  • Slaves Weren't Allowed to be Taught to Read

    Southern States said that slaves weren't allowed to be taught to read. 5% become illiterate. (2015)
  • Board of Education

    Massachusetts Gov. Edward Everett wants to have a state board of education. (Brennan, 2001)
  • Illegal for Native Americans to be Taught Their Native Languages

    Native American children are taken from their parents and sent to the Bureau of Indian Affairs off-reservation. (2015)
  • Average Schooling

    The average American schooling was only five years. (Brennan, 2001)
  • Elementary School

    Every state requires students to finish elementary school. (American Board, 2015)
  • Intelligence Testing

    150 school districts were surveyed and three quarters of them are using intelligence testing to place students in different academic classes. (2015)
  • Period: to

    Fighting for Equality

    Many people were fighting for their own rights. Blacks, women and Hispanic Americans wanted to be treated equally, especially in school. (Brennan, 2001)
  • Period: to

    Racially Segregated System of Schools

    United States has lots of racially segregated schools in the 1960s, but by the late 1970s, segregated schooling was eliminated. (American Board, 2015)
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Ruling

    PARC v. Pennsylvania wanted students with disabilities to be placed in a publicly funded school setting that met their individual educational needs. (University of Kansas, April)
  • Public Law 94-142

    President Ford signed the Public Law 94-142. This law says that all states are required to provide equal access to education for children with disabilities. (University of Kansas, April)
  • Federal Tribal Colleges Act

    FTCA makes a college on every Indian reservation to allow young people to go to college without leaving their families. (2015)
  • Nation at Risk Report

    All high school graduates need to be able to both understand and use computers with the Nation at Risk report. (Bolick, Cooper, Ryan, pg. 190)
  • Microsoft Excel

    Excel is used to help organize data sets, and create graphs. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 200)
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    President Reagan signed the law that gave parents of children with disabilities more say in their child's IEP. (University of Kansas, April)
  • Changes to Law 94-142

    Traumatic brain injury and autism were added to the law. (University of Kansas, April)
  • The Geometer's Sketchpad

    Allows students to see the relationships between angles, lines and more for experimentation. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 203)
  • WebQuest

    It is a inquiry-based learning activity that helps learners on how to use information from the web. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 201)
  • Kidspiration

    Software that allows students to show their understanding of a lesson and teach it to other students to help understand their own thoughts. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 197)
  • iMovie

    Making multimedia videos using digital tools. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 196)
  • Audacity

    Creates free podcasts that allows to be converted to files and played on other devices. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 204)
  • Dropouts

    70% of eligible high school seniors graduate each year. Which means around 1.2 million high school dropouts per year. (Watson, 2008)
  • Keynote

    Teachers will use Keynote to link videos or websites as part of the presentation. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 187)
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    School Violence

    School violence is rising more and more each year. In 2004 the statistics were starting to get higher. (Watson, 2008)
  • IDEA

    Congress made IDEA to raise standards for instructors to teach special education classes. (University of Kansas)
  • YouTube

    YouTube allows anyone to post a vlog (which is a video journal about what they are up to). (Bolick, Cooper and Ryan, pg. 197)
  • Prezi

    Prezi is a online website that allows students to have more fun with presenting. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg 196)
  • National Education Technology Plan (NTEP)

    Called for a "revolutionary transformation [of education] rather than evolutionary tinkering." (Bolick, Cooper, Ryan, pg. 190)
  • iCivics

    Games which students can be different roles and explore different jobs of civic education. (Ryan, Cooper, & Bolick, pg. 202)
  • Emails

    Around 10 years ago, the number of emails sent each day was around 12 billion. Now around 247 billion emails are being sent each day. (Bolick, Cooper, Ryan, pg. 188)
  • Online Time

    From 2.7 hours a week online, to 18 hours a week online, all within the last 10 years. (Bolick, Cooper, Ryan, pg. 188)