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Noam Chomsky
Universal Grammar: Language acquisition means linguistic competence. Competence in native language means innate knowledge is genetically embedded. -
Robert Lado
Linguistics Across Cultures: Contrastive Analysis. Comparing and Contrasting the L1 and L2 -
S. Pit Corder
Article: "The significance of learners' errors" : Error Analysis, A learners errors are not "bad habits," but to be sources of insight into the learning process. -
Larry Selinker
Interlanguage: the intermediate state of language learning as it moves towards the target language. -
Heidi Dulay & Marina Burt
Morpheme Order Studies: The sequence constituted a natural order for English L2 and English L1. -
Systemic Linguistics: Analyzing language in terms of the interrelated systems of choices that are available for expressing meaning. -
Functional Typology: Markedness Differential Hypothesis -
Stephen Krashen
Monitor Model: Five hypothesis of how L2 is acquired. -
Klein & Perdue
Information Organization: Utterance structure, interlanguage learner varieties, and developmental levels