Chapter 4 - The Mughal Empire

  • 1491

    Babur Became Ruler of Farghana

  • 1504

    Babur Conquered Kabul

  • Period: 1520 to 1566

    Sultan Suleyman's Rule

    One of the great rulers of this time was Sultan Suleyman, the ruler of the Ottoman Turkey. The Ottoman territory expanded to Europe, Australia, Hungary, Baghdad, Iraq and Morocco. It came into conflict with Spain and Portugal also. The monarch was also called Al Qanuni (the lawgiver) due to the number of regulations during his reign.
  • 1526

    1st Battle of Panipat

    Babur and Ibramhin Lodi face off at Panipat. Babur won and he successfully conquered Delhi and Agra.
  • Period: 1526 to 1530

    Babur's Rule

  • 1527

    The Battle of Khanwa

    Fought between Babur and Rana Sanga of Mewar
  • 1529

    Babur Defeated the Afghan Chiefs

    He defeated them at Ghaghara
  • 1530

    Babur's Death

  • Period: 1530 to 1540

    Humayun's Rule. 1st period

  • Period: 1540 to 1545

    Sher Shah Suri's Rule

    His real name is Farid Khan. He was given the title 'Sher' after he killed a tiger.
  • Period: 1555 to 1556

    Humayun's Rule. 2nd Period

  • 1556

    Humayun's Death

  • Period: 1556 to

    Akbar's Rule

    He was made king in 1556 at the age of 13 when his father died.
  • 1560

    Akbar Ended the Regency of Bairam Khan.

  • 1562

    Akbar met Raja Bharmal/Biharmal.

  • 1562

    Akbar Abolished Pilgrim Tax

    He abolished the tax of bathing at holy places like Banaras and Prayag
  • 1564

    Akbar Abolished Jaziya

    He abolished the poll tax or jaziya which was paid by non-Muslims.
  • 1570

    Akbar Started Discussion on Religion

    In Fatehpur Sikri, Akbar started religious discussions with the Ulemas, Brahmanas, and Jesuit priests who were Roman Catholics and Zoroastrians. These discussions took place in Ibadat Khana which was a hall of worship.
  • 1580

    Dahsala System is Introduced.

    The dahsala (dah means ten) system was another system of land revenue that was introduced. According to this system, the peasants were told to pay a tax that was fixed based on the average produce and average price over the last ten years. Normally, one-third of this amount was to be paid to the ruler.
  • Period: to

    Jahangir's Rule

    His name was Prince Salim.
  • Jahangir married Nurjahan.

    Her name was Mehrunnisa
  • Jahangir Granted Permissions to English Traders

    He granted permissions to set up a trading port at Surat
  • Shah Jahan Ascended The Throne

    After Jahangir's death, there was a war of succession among his sons. Finally, Prince Khuram successfully ascended the throne after defeating Shahryar, and was given the title of Shah Jahan (ruler of the world)
  • Period: to

    Shah Jahan's Rule

  • Period: to

    Aurangzeb's Rule

    He was given the title of Alamgir, meaning conquerer of the world. He was the last of the Great Mughals