Chapter 3 timeline

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    A United States policy that opposed European colonialism in America.
  • Midway Islands annexed by the US

    Midway Islands annexed by the US
    Roosevelt places the islands under the control of the Navy.
  • United States purchaces Alaska from Russia

    United States purchaces Alaska from Russia
    We purchased Alaska for 7.2 million.
  • U.S. tariffs cause Hawaiian sugar cane prices to rise

    U.S. tariffs cause Hawaiian sugar cane prices to rise
    The increase in output in countries exporting cane sugar made them rise.
  • Grover Cleveland elected president (2nd time)

    Grover Cleveland elected president (2nd time)
    Only president to leave office for a term and then return for another.
  • Period: to

    American economic depression of 1893

    A serious economic depression that produced political upheaval.
  • Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule

    Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule
    It began with the Ten Years’ War.
  • Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans

    Spain institutes reconcentration  on Cubans
    Spanish wanted to keep them from providing supplies to the nationalist forces.
  • Philippine rebels revolt against Spain

    Philippine rebels revolt against Spain
    Carried the Filipinos Ronan anticipated war with Spain
  • President McKinley elected first term

    President McKinley elected first term
    25th president of the US
  • U.S. annexes Hawaii

    The Joint resolution passes and the Hawaiian islands were annexed.
  • McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain’s permission

    McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain’s permission
    McKinley asked congress for permission to use force in Cuba.
  • De Lôme Letter

    De Lôme Letter
    Reveals de Lomes opinion on the Spanish involvement in Cuba and Mckinleys diplomacy.
  • Spanish American war begins

    A mysterious explosion sank the battleship USS Maine which started the war.
  • U.S. captures Philippines from Spain

    The Spanish fleet guarding the Philippines was defeated by the Navy
  • Teller Amendment passed

    Placed a condition in the US military’s presence in Cuba
  • Equiano Aguinaldo captured by US forces in Philippines

    After the Spanish defeat, the US refused to recognize Aguilandos government so they declared war.
  • China divided into spheres of influence

    Each nation ran their own sphere
  • Open door policy

    Called for protection if equal privileges for all countries trading with China
  • Boxer Rebellion in China

    Anti Christian uprising in China
  • Foraker act

    Law that established civilian government on Puerto Roco
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    26th president of the US
  • Platt Amendment

    Limited Cuba’s right to make treaties with other nations
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Between America and Panama that granted perminant possession of the Panama Canal Zone to the US
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    An addition to the Monroe Doctrine