Chapter 3 timeline

By degen1
  • Period: to

    chapter 3 timeline

  • The first 105 colonist sent by the London company arrived in England.

    The first 105 colonist sent by the London company arrived in England.
  • Colonist founded Jamestown

  • John Smith took control of Jamestown and built a fort around it.

  • 60 colonist were still alive after the horrible first winter

    60 colonist were still alive after the horrible first winter
  • Dutch founded New Netherland.

  • Dutch ship brought the first Africans to Virginia.

    Dutch ship brought the first Africans to Virginia.
  • Virginians assembly was the first colonial legislature in North America.

  • The Mayflower left England

  • 41 male passengers signed the Mayflower compact.

  • Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.

  • Colonist killed Powhatan leader which lead to 20 years of conflict.

  • English crown canceled the company’s charter.

  • George Calvert asked King Charles І for a charter to establish a colony in America foc catholics.

  • Charles granted a group of Puritans a charter to settle in New England.

  • Charles issued a charter to Calvert’s son.

  • A group of 200 English Catholics came to Maryland.

  • Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts to find Connecticut.

  • Hooker wrote Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

  • General Courts of Massachusetts issued an order that a school be founded in everytownship of 50 families.

  • Europeans began to re-examine their world.

  • Navigation Act was put into affect.

  • English captured the undefended colony of New Amsterdam.

  • Tension arose between New England and Wampanoag.

  • King Philip’s war erupted.

    King Philip’s war erupted.
  • King Charles II granted charter to William Penn to begin a colony west of New Jersey.

  • Duke Of York sold Penn a region to the south of Pennsylvania.

  • James II became king of England.

  • James II united the northern colonies under one government.

    James II united the northern colonies under one government.
  • King James passed the English Bill of Rights.

     King James passed the English Bill of Rights.
  • Massachusetts bay colony had expanded to include the Pilgrims Plymouth Rock.

  • Revolutions in both religious and non religious thought transformed western world.

  • Carolina split into North and South Carolina.

  • 20,000 enslaved Africans were living in South Carolina.

  • King George II granted a charter to Oglethorpe.

  • Oglethorpe founded the city of Savannah.

  • Molasses Act put into affect.

  • Ministers began holding revivals.

  • The Great awakining Began

    The Great awakining Began
  • Enslaved Africans became the main source of labor.

  • Enlighten movement was put into affect.

  • France and Great Britain struggled for control of territory in North America

  • British government made Georgia a royal colony.

  • Fighting began in Europe, leading up to the Seven Year’s War.

  • Philadelphia became largest British colonial city.

     Philadelphia became largest British colonial city.
  • Britain received Florida.

  • May 1763- Pontiac’s Rebellion began.

  • Britain and France signed the Treaty of Paris.

     Britain and France signed the Treaty of Paris.
  • Proclamation of 1763 issued.

  • 70% of men and 45% of women could read and write.

  • Delaware remained part of Pennsylvania until 1776