Period: to
Pre-Revolutionary Period
Committees Of Correspondence
Each colonial commitee got together and got in tocuh with the other colonies. They tried coming up with ideas on how they could clallenge British laws. One idea that was most popular was a boycott, or a refusal to buy British goods. By boycotting, the colonists hoped that parliament would repeal taxation. -
Stamp Act
This law required that all colonists pay for an official seal, stamp etc. whenever it was that they bought paper items. This applied to documents, licences, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards. Those who chose not to pay for the stamp were sent to prison. -
Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonists who sought out a fight with the British. They always boycotted the British laws, and killed many British soldiers. The Sons of Liberty were some of the few colonists who participated in the Boston Tea Party. The Sons of Liberty also lashed out at the Townshend Acts, where they hijacked a ship in the Boston Harbor, boycotting the law. -
Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was the first act to raise money in the colonies. This law made colonists pay for each ounce of sugar they used. This law also tried to apprehend smugglers, who were smuggling in sugar and molasses for free. -
Townshend Acts
This law allowed British officials to inspect for smuggled goods. This act also applied taxation to glass, paints, paper, and tea. This law took many abilities away from the colonial governments. With no more smuggled goods, the colonists would be forced to buy British goods, unless the colonists decided to boycott. -
Boston Massacre
A soldier stiked a colonist, and soon after a mob of colonists formed. As more soldiers guarded the colonists, the colonists mocked, and threw items at the soldiers. Finally, after the rioting was going on for a long time, a colonist threw a club at a soldier, and the soldiers fired into the crowd. The soldiers killed about three people during the shooting. After a few days, two more colonists were shot and killed, earning the name of the Boston Massacre. -
Tea Act
The Tea Act allowed the British East India Company to sel tea directly to the colonists. But the tea was so cheap from the British East India Company, that colonial merchants feared going out ogf buisiness. With colonists no longer smuggling tea into America, there would be more taxes. -
Boston Tea Party
After the Tea Act was introduced, colonists decided to take a major step in boycotting. Colonists disguised themeselves as Indians, and snuck into the Boston Harbor, and dumped $1 million worth of tea, or 340 chests into the water. -
1st Continental Congress
The 1st Continental COngress generally ruled over all of the colonies. They passed the laws for the colonies, and were known as the first representative government of America. The congress dealt with the taxation of colonists as well. Within the congress, was a bicarmal, or a two house legislature. -
Intolerable Acts
These laws were passed to punish Boston after the Boston Tea Party. 1. The Boston Harbor was closed until they paid for all of the tea they got rid of.
2. The Massachusettes charter was canceled, and only the governor of Boston could choose when the legislature could be met.
3. The royal officials, or soldiers were sent back to England for trial.
4. The quartering act requiered colonists to house British soldiers.
5. A large sum of land that was once owned by Boston was now given to Quebec.