Dec 22, 1337
the hundred years war ends
lasted for a hundred years
the whole battle was donr on french ground -
May 2, 1360
Yonglo becomes ming emperor
most ruthless emperor of ming empire -
Mar 4, 1394
Prince Henry of portugal is born
Dec 22, 1408
donatello creats his David statue
took only about a year
made out of marble -
Dec 18, 1439
johan gutenberg invents printing press
this was revolutionary because to the idea of not having to write out everything out. the moveable type made it easy to make copys. -
Dec 20, 1445
raphael paints school of athens
master pianter of the centruy
Jan 30, 1449
ferdinand and isabella end war with muslims
they were cousins -
May 29, 1453
fall of Constantinople to the Turks
it was the capitol of the east roman empire. it was not expected to fsll so easily -
Mar 4, 1454
Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast
was an italian explorer -
Feb 14, 1473
nicolaus copernicus begins styding p[anetary movment
his research helped make the helo centric theory -
May 29, 1488
B. Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
he was the first person to reach the southern tip of africa -
Jan 30, 1492
chris coulumbus spots land in north america
dicoverd america -
Jun 21, 1494
Spain and Portugal agree to traty of Tordesillas
the treaty was meant to restore peace -
Jan 23, 1497
Vascoda Gama lands in india
first person to land in india linking europe and aisa -
Aug 22, 1503
leonardo starts mona lisa
painted between 1503 to 1506
said to be a self portrate -
Jul 8, 1508
michelangelo paints cieling of sistene chapel
painted over 300 figures on painting
took him a little over 4 years -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther posts his 95 thesis
posted 95 thesis on Wienberg church. and started the prodesent reformation -
Mar 5, 1533
ivan the terrible becomes ruler of russia
he became ruler when he waas three he gave russia a code of laws -
Jul 24, 1533
F. Pizzaro meets atahuapa
the last inca emperor -
May 19, 1535
Anne Boleyn is exicuted
wife of henery the 8th exicuted. allows henery to marry june semore -
Oct 12, 1537
only son of henery the 8th
and he solitified anglican church -
Apr 19, 1541
ignatious of loyola founds the jesuis order
focous's church on education. and he also started the order of priestss -
Feb 18, 1553
mary the 1st becomes queen
she was the only surviving child
she died at the age of 42 -
Mar 5, 1556
philip the 2nd bacame king of spain
ruled spian, spanish netherlands and the american colonies he gained wealth by taxing gold and silver -
Sep 1, 1557
Jaques Cartier claims land in canada
mapped gulf of st lawrence -
Dec 17, 1557
H. cortez lands on mexican coast
bought lots of land in mainland mexico -
Nov 17, 1558
only anglican daughter of henery becomes key
start of elizabeth age -
Mar 5, 1572
ST Bartholomews day massecurre
six week nationwide slaughter of huguenots whitch started in paris -
Mar 5, 1579
william of orange led the owerflow of the spanish in the netherlands
the dutch opened the flood gates at lieden to drive out the spanish -
henery of navarre becomes king
he was a decenfent of louis the 14th he inherited the throne after catherine -
english east india company is founded
trade in mainly in east indies -
dutch east india company is founded
a big trade network -
james becomes king of england
he was a calvanist he offened parlement -
Don Quixote de la mancha was written
this was the birth of the modern european novel -
Galilaeo publishes his many findings in dialogue concernig the two chief world systems
argument was casue by helocentric theory -
henery hudson is last seen
emplored coast of canada and hudson bay -
william shakespear dies
he died on his birthday
his tomb lies beneth the church in chancel -
the thirty years war
the conflict over religion over territory adn for power amoung eupropean ruling families -
hapsburg defeats
the hapsburgs were drivin out of spain -
volitaire is exiled to england
]), was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. -
louis the 14 became king of france
the true ruler of france waas cardinal mazarin. he ended the thirty years war -
charles the 2nd becomes king of england
restored monarchy qwhich was called the restoration during his reign parlement passed hapeus corpus -
La Salle claim mississippi River for Spain
looking for a passage to oregon -
new netherlands becomes new york
claimed by duke of york -
Isaac newton published his laws of gravity
states how gravity works and the equations needed to figure out the force odf gravity -
english bill of rights
no suspending parlenent laws no infering with freedom of speech in parlement -
peter visits the west
peters goal was to learn about euro[ean customs and idustrial techniquis. he was 24 years old -
emilie du chateltranslates newtons work into french
she died at a very old age
was very educated -
dennis dideriot publishes the first volumes of his encyclopedia
took him 21 years and still wasnt finished all the way -
peter the great
had the mind of a gienious, the body of a giant and the temper of a bear. he was the sole ruler of russia -
zheng He captains his first voyage
commanded voyages to south east aisa -
seven years war
fought in west indies and north america it was between france adnengland -
mary wollstonecraft is born
the fammily was jipsies she also had an older brother -
seven years war begins
dispute between france and portugal -
the start of the partition of poland
The partitions were conducted by the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and Habsburg Austria, which divided up the Commonwealth lands among themselves progressively in the process of territorial seizures -
boston tea party
was againsted to english goveerment baecause of the high tax -
british army and american miitia exchange fire at lexington massicussets
The battles marked the outbreak of open armed conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen of its colonies on the mainland of British America -
decleration of independence is signed
Within a decade after the event, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams all wrote that the Declaration had been signed by Congress -
first slave revolts in hispaniola
elimination of slavery -
beetoven dies
the justin bieber of opera music \
said to be one of the best -
hapburg defeats
the hapsburg were drivin out of northern germany -
joeseph 2 aboshies serfdom in austria
Holy Roman emperor Joseph II tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened reforms, but the changes he made were met with fierce opposition.