Chapter 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon

  • Persian Rioting

    Persian Rioting
    After lots of conflict, Persians were fed up and starting rioting
  • The beginning of the French Revolution

    The beginning of the French Revolution
    The French Revolution begins and the creation of the United States of America
  • Louis XVI called a meeting at Versailles

    Louis XVI called a meeting at Versailles
    At Versailles, Louis XVI had called in a meeting of the Estates-General
  • The Oath of the Tennis Court

    The Oath of the Tennis Court
    Jacques-Louis David, the Third Estate representative, illustrated in his painting the challenge of the kings authority, thus being the Oath of the Tennis Court
  • Introduction of the Revolutionary Calander

    Introduction of the Revolutionary Calander
    Revolutionary Calendar was created and then introduced to the people, to be used to tell the time of days
  • Revolt starts in Western France

    Revolt starts in Western France
    Revolts begin in Western France along with anti-Catholic laws are passed and counter revolutions are executed
  • Restoration of the French monarchy

    Restoration of the French monarchy
    European troops are brought together to help and restore the monarchy of France
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    After King Louis XVI is executed, the reign of terror begins in France
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    The committee of Public Safety passes on an order to execute Robespierre
  • The Law of 22 Prialail is passed

    The Law of 22 Prialail is passed
    The Law of 22 Prialail was passed and all prisoners are released
  • The Law of 22 Prialail appealed

    The Law of 22 Prialail appealed
    The Law of 22 Prialail is appealed and prisoners begin to release
  • Napoleon leads coup d'etat

    Napoleon leads coup d'etat
    Napoleon topples the French government after leading the coup d'etat
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon leads a large army to Russia but they retreat and refuse to go into battle
  • Napoleons final defeat

    Napoleons final defeat
    At the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was met with a Persian- British army and was defeated