Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Dec 31, 1300
The Bubonic Plague
The bubonic plague struck mant major cities. It killed almost 60 percent of the popuation.This brought many changes because now since there weren't as many workers, people could demand higher wages. -
Period: Jun 6, 1300 to
The Renaissance
This is the time when the revival of art and learning took place.This led to many new things and thoughts. -
Period: Jun 6, 1434 to Jun 6, 1464
Cosimo de Medici Ruled
During this time peroid the richest man in Europe, Cosimo de Medici, won control over Floresnce's government. He didn't actually take office, but he did influence the office members with money. He was a dictator untill his death in 1464. -
Jun 6, 1440
Johann Gutenberg
Johann Gutenberg was a craftsman from Maniz, Germany. In 1440 he developed a printing press that used many technologies in new exciting ways. With this machine they could produce books quickly and cheaply. -
Period: Jun 6, 1452 to Jun 6, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vonci was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist. He filled many pages with notes and observations, and then he turned these into pieces of artwork. -
Jun 6, 1453
End of The Hundred Years' War
This is when the Hundred Years' War between England and france ended. fter this many cities grew rapidly. -
Jun 6, 1460
Donatello's "David"
In 1460 Donatello made a sculpture more realistic by carving natural postures and expressions that reveal personality. The sculpture was ment to be David from the bibke that became king, -
Period: Jun 6, 1475 to Jun 6, 1564
Michelangelo Buonarroti
He was painter, sculptor, architect, and poet during the reniassance. He is famous for the way he would protray the human bodyin his artwork. -
Period: Jun 6, 1492 to Jun 6, 1547
This is when Vittoria Colonna lived. She was a writer who had great influence during the Reniassance.She helped Castiglione publish " The Courtier". She usually wrote about very personal things that exspressed her feelings. -
Period: Jun 6, 1504 to Jun 6, 1506
Mona Lisa
In this time one of Leonardo da Vinci's most popular paintings was created. It is thought to be a picture of Lisa Gherardini> The picture was important because it captured her emotiones and showed her as she really looked. -
Jun 6, 1508
" School of Athens"
Raphael painted " the School of Athens' in 1508 for the pope's apartments in the Vatican. This picture shows the scholars of ancient Greece, and how they were very honored. -
Jun 6, 1509
"The Praise of Folly"
In 1509 Desiderius Erasmus wrote his most famous piece "The Prase Folly" The book made fun of merchants, lovers, scholars, and preist. -
Jun 6, 1509
Henery VII Becomes King
The Catholic Henery VII became king of England. -
Jun 6, 1512
Martin Luther Was Born
The monk and teacher Martin Luther was born. -
Jun 6, 1513
" The Prince"
IN 1513 Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book called " The Prince". This book took a look at the imperct conduct od human beings, It is supposed to be a guide.For example It tells a ruler how to gain power and keep it. -
Jun 6, 1516
Thomas More
In 1516 Thomas more tried to show a btter model of society by writing the book "Utopia". The book is about an imaginary land where all he bad things in society have been taken out. -
Jun 6, 1517
Luther Takes Action
In 1517 Luther decided to take a stand against friar Johann Tetzel because he was rasing money to rebuild St> Peter's Cathedral in Rome> He was doing this by selling indulgances.Tetzel gave the impression that buying these indulgances people could buy their way into heaven, which Luther thought was wrong. He wrote notes attacking this idea and let everyone see them it started the Reformation. -
Jun 6, 1520
Luther is Threatened
In 1520 Pope Leo X threatned Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements against indulgences. Luther didn't take back his word, and he even got some people together to burn the pope's decreece. Leo exxcommunicated Luther. -
Jun 6, 1521
Luther Goes to Trial
In 1521 Luther was summoned to worms for trial, and to betold to take back his statements, but he wouldn't take them back.Charles declared that Luther was an outlaw and a heretic, so no one was allowed to give him food or shelter, and all his books were supposed to be burende. Prince Freerick disobeyed these rules and helped Luther. -
Jun 8, 1521
Ignatius of Loyola
Ingnatius grew up in a castle in Spain. While he was injured he kept thinking about his past sins and a lot about Jesus. He believed in order to clense the soul he must have daily devotions. He wrote a book called " Spirtual Exercises" in it it talked about mediation, prayer, and study. -
Jun 6, 1522
Luther Returns
In 1522 Luther returned to Wittenburg where he discovered mant of his ideas were being used. Him and his followers became a seprate religious group called Lutherans. -
Jun 6, 1524
Luther is Rejected.
People began to apply Luther's ideas, so this ment a demand to end serfdom, Peasnt started riots and destroyed monataried, This is not what Luther had wanted. Luther told the princes to show no mercy, so they crushed the revolt. After that many peasents felt betrayed by Luther and rejectd his ideas. -
Jun 6, 1527
Henry Talks to the Pope
In 1527 Henry realized that his wife, Catherine, wasn't going to have anymore children, so he wanted to divorce her and get a younger queen. However, the church did not allow this, but the pope could anual it.So he asked the pope if he could anual his marriage, but the pope disagreeed. -
Jun 6, 1528
Baldassare Castiglione Wrote a Book.
Baldassare Castiglione wrote the The Courtier. This book taught people how to become a man that excelled in many fields. -
Jun 6, 1529
Gaining up on Luther
In 1529 German princes who were loyal to the pope still joined forces against Luthers ideas.Those who supported him made a protest against the agreement. The protedting princes became known as Protestants. -
Jun 6, 1529
Henry Takes Action
Upset with the pope's decsions Henry called Parliment to see if it could pass laws that ended the pope's power in England. -
Jun 6, 1533
Henry Secretly Gets Married
Henery Secretly married Anne Boleyn, and awhile after Parliment legalized henery's divorce with Catherine. -
Jun 6, 1536
Another wife
In 1536 Henry's wife was killed after she had a kid and fell out of Henery's favor. He took another wife making it his thrid eife, her name was Jane Seymour. -
Jun 7, 1536
INstitutuions of the Christian Religion
This was a book written in 1536by John Calvin. It expressed the ideas about God, salvation, and the human nature. This religion based on Calvin's teachings is called Calvinsim. -
Jun 6, 1537
Henry and His New Wife
In 1537 his third wife gave him a baby boy, but she died shortly after. He married three more times after this. -
Jun 8, 1540
According to the pope people who followed Ignatius became known as the Jesuits. The Jesuits focused on finding schools in Europe, to convert onon Christians to Catholicism, and to spread Protestantism. -
Period: Jun 8, 1545 to Jun 8, 1563
Council of Trent
The Council of Trent was a meeting of church leaders from 1545 to 1563. While here they agreed that the Church's interpratation f the Bible was final, no one should contradict it. Christians needed faith and good works to go to heaven, The Bible and Church were equally powerful, and indulgences were valid expressions of faith, but they were banned. -
Jun 6, 1547
After Henry's Death
Henry Dies in 1547, after his death each of his three children ruled England. This created a lot of religous turmiol because the first king was Protestant, and the second ruler,the Queen, was Catholic, -
Jun 6, 1550
Pieter Bruegel the elder helped flemish painting reach its peak. He was ver instrested in people. He would go to peasents weddings, dances, and harvest to capture the moment. His artwork generaly had a sense of life and feeling because the rich colors and vivid deatials. -
Jun 6, 1555
Picking Religion
The Princes began to get tired of fighting so they were assembled to decide the religion of their state. This religuos settlement was known as the Peace of Augsburg. -
Period: Jun 6, 1558 to
The Elizabthan Age
When the reniassance spread to England during this time it was known as the Elizabethan Age after Queen Elizabeth the first.. She has well educate and a writer. She supported the development f English art and literature a lot. -
Jun 7, 1559
Anglican Church
Elizabth the first wanted to have her kingdom be Protestant, so in 1559 Parliment set up the Anglican Church. This was the only legal church in England. -
Jun 7, 1559
John Knox
John Knox was a scotish preacher who put Calvin's ideas to work. Followers of Knox became known as Presbyterians. -
Jun 8, 1559
The Index of Forbidden Books.
Pope Paul IV made a list of books considered danguerous to the Catholic faith this book was known as the Index of Forbidden Books. They would bury these books in bonfires, and one time they burned 10,000 books in one day. -
Jun 6, 1564
This is when William Shakespeare was born. He wrote many plays that were showed in the Globe Theatre. His plays were dramatic and reveled the imperfections of humans. Many of these plays are still very popular today because the promblems in the play are still ones being faced by people today. -
Aug 24, 1572
Hugenots and the Cstholics Violently Clash
Followers of Calvin were called Hugenots, and the hatered between them and the Catholics started becoming violent. Thier most violent fight was in 1572 on St. Bartholomew's Day this is when the catholics hunted down the hugenots and murdered them. mIN the end up to 12,000 Hugenots are estimated to be dead. -
Period: to
The Spread
During this time the ideas of the Reniassance began to spread north from Italy.