Chapter 17 Mr.Bomar History

  • Period: Jan 1, 1390 to

    Age of Exploration Ch.19-20

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Prince Henry of Portugal is born

    Prince Henry of Portugal is born
    Prince Henry is born. Age of exploration takes a big step
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Middle Ages

  • Jul 11, 1421

    Zheng He captians his first voyage

    Zheng He captians his first voyage
    Zheng he captians his first of several voyages. China opens up its door.
  • May 2, 1425

    Yonglo becomes MIng Emperor

    Yonglo becomes MIng Emperor
    Yonglo becomes ming emperor. He is one of the deadliest ruler.
  • Jan 1, 1430

    Donatello creates David

    Donatello creates David
    Artist Donatello creates David. One of the first sculpture of its type.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Johnann Gutenburg creates prinying press

    Johnann Gutenburg creates prinying press
    Gutenburg invents a device that makes multiple sheet of written paper. Makes it easeier to get a book.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Hundred years war ends

    Hundred years war ends
    Hundred years war ends with truce. Nationalism grows in both countries.
  • May 29, 1453

    Constantinople Falls

    Constantinople Falls
    Constantinople falls to the Turks. End of the Roman Empire.
  • Jan 2, 1475

    Spain ends war wth Muslims

    Spain ends war wth Muslims
    Ferdinand and Isabella end war with the Muslims. Spain now has total control wuthin its borders.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Dias reaches good hope

    Dias reaches good hope
    After portugal navigates africa it reaches the southern tip. Now they can try and get to India.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus spots land

    Columbus spots land
    Columbus spots land he thinks is India. Columbus actually finds the Caribearens.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Spain and Portugal sign the treaty of tordesillas. Portugal now gets a fraction of more land.
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco da Gama lnads in India

    Vasco da Gama lnads in India
    After 10 years after good hope. They reach india travling around India.
  • Jan 1, 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci Maps world

    Amerigo Vespucci Maps world
    Amerigo maps the first official map of the world. As a result people name the land after him.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Leo Starts work on Mona Lisa

    Leo Starts work on Mona Lisa
    Leonardo starts working on his painting. The Mona Lisa will be the most famous painting by him.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Michelangelo finishes his work at sistine chapel

    Michelangelo finishes his work at sistine chapel
    After a couple years he finaly finishes his paintings. It still is there today.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    Raphael Creates school of Athens

    Raphael Creates school of Athens
    After a lot of work he completes his most famous work. People now know who he is and his fame grows.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    Cortez lands in Mexico

    Cortez lands in Mexico
    Cortez lands in Mexico and takes part as a spanish conquistador.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Michiavelli finishes the prince

    Michiavelli finishes the prince
    He finishes his most famous book. People read it and he grows popularity.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts 95 thesis

    Martin Luther posts 95 thesis
    Martin Luther says why the church is stupid. Reformation starts.
  • Nov 16, 1532

    Pizzaro meets Atahualpa

    Pizzaro meets Atahualpa
    Two of the worlds biggest empires meet.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Ivan the Terrible becomes czar.

    Ivan the Terrible becomes czar.
    Ivan came to the throne in 1533. He also made secret police to go kill his so called traitors.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Cartier Claims land in Canada

    Cartier Claims land in Canada
    More countries are getting more land in the new world.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne boleyn gets executed

    Anne boleyn gets executed
    Anne boleyn gets executed. Bad times are coming.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    Edward VI is born

    Edward VI is born
    Henery finally has a son. He will rule England.
  • Apr 19, 1541

    Jesuit oder in founded

    Jesuit oder in founded
    THe jesuit oder is founded by Loyal. Big stuff is happening.
  • Jul 1, 1553

    Mary 1 becomes queen

    Mary 1 becomes queen
    Mary becomes queen of England. Change in leadership is always a big thing.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    Charles agreed to Peace of Augsburg

    Charles agreed to Peace of Augsburg
    The treaty allowed for princes to choose there religion. This is a big event that happenned.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1555 to

    Age of absolute Monarchy

  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I is born

    Elizabeth I is born
    Elizabeth is born into the royal family. Wahen she rules religious persecution begins.
  • Jan 1, 1559

    King Henry II dies

    King Henry II dies
    KIng Henry II dies in France. Leaves a big spot to fill for 4 young sons.
  • Jan 1, 1574

    The dutch flood the Spaniards out of Leiden

    The dutch flood the Spaniards out of Leiden
    After having there city under seige the Dutch flood it. Eventually leads to independence from Spain.
  • English East India Company founded

    English East India Company founded
    English East India Company is founded. Now not all trade has to go through Italy.
  • Dutch East India Company founded

    Dutch East India Company founded
    The Dutch east india company founded. Trading takes a big step foward.
  • James Stuart becomes king

    James Stuart becomes king
    Since Elizibeth deis with no one. James takes over as closest blood line.
  • The book "Don Quixote" was published

    The book "Don Quixote" was published
    The book Don Quixote was published in Europe. Was known as the birth of the modern European novel.
  • Galileo Publishes "Dialogue Concerning the 2 chief World Systems"

    Galileo Publishes "Dialogue Concerning the 2 chief World Systems"
    Galileo publishes more of the true science. The church is starting to get upset with him.
  • Henry Hudson is last seen

    After his crew causes mutiny they send him and some others adift in Hudson Bay.
  • William Shakespeare dies

    William Shakespeare dies
    William dies and now he cant write anymore.
  • 30 years war starts

    30 years war starts
    Hapsburg armies crush protestents. Their army destoryed much of what was in front of them.
  • Cardinal Richelieu in effect becomes ruler of france

    Cardinal Richelieu in effect becomes ruler of france
    Being weak KIng Louis XIII elects a powerful minister. He basiclly doesnt have any power.
  • Galileo publishes "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World System"

    Galileo publishes "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World System"
    Galileo publishes more work on space. The Catholic church is getting more upset.
  • Period: to

    Ch. 22 Events

  • Fredrick the Great

    Fredrick William inherited the tile of king of Brandenburg. He also thought that a strong military should on ensure saftey.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    English starts a civil war. Parliment vs. King Charles basicalluy.
  • Louis XIL becomes absolute ruler

    Louis XIL becomes absolute ruler
    Louis becomes absolute ruler of France. One of the biigest countries of the time goes to absolute monarchy
  • New Netherlands become New York

    After the british come to flush the dutch out the city becomes New York.
  • La Salle claims MississippiRiver for Spain

    La Salle claims MississippiRiver for Spain
    Spain is getting more land from its explores.
  • Isaac Newton Publishes his book on gravity

  • Isaac Newton Publishes "Mathematics Principles of Natural Philosophy"

    Isaac Newton Publishes "Mathematics Principles of Natural Philosophy"
    Isaac Newton publishes his book. More people are understanding because of reading the books.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    England drafter a new document to limit rulers powers. Had many listings on what you could not do.
  • John Locke "Two Treaties on the Goverment"

    John Locke "Two Treaties on the Goverment"
    John Locke writes powerful stuff. He then helps influence.
  • Peter on Great Embassy

    Peter on Great Embassy
    Peter wants to be more like the west. He then travels to as many countries as he can to learn.
  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession
    Spain and France vs. Europe in this costly war. This war lasted till 1715.
  • Russia vs. Sweden

    Russia vs. Sweden
    Peter wants a window to the sea. Fights with Sweden for 21 years to do so.
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit discoverse makes first mercury thermometer

    Gabriel Fahrenheit discoverse makes first mercury thermometer
    Gabriel Fahrenheit creates one of the first ways to measure temperature. This is one of the major scales of temp today.
  • Voltaire is exiled to England

    Voltaire is exiled to England
    After writing more interesting stuff Voltaire gets exiled to England. Shows his stubborness.
  • Joseph Priestley separtes oxygen

    Joseph Priestley separtes oxygen
    Joseph separates oxygen from air. With this they get a better understanding of oxygen.
  • Fredrick begins his reign in Prussia

    Fredrick begins his reign in Prussia
    Fredrick starts his reign in Prussia. They start to try and reform.
  • Baron von Montesquieu purppsed a book

    Baron von Montesquieu purppsed a book
    Baron gives idea to a new kind of goverment. Then comes into the USA goverment.
  • Seven Years War begins

    Seven Years War begins
    After George Washington atcidentaly shoots a French messager a world war starts.
  • 7 years war

    7 years war
    Fred the Great attacked Saxony, an ally. Soon every great European power was involed.
  • Denis Diderot publish the Encyclopedia

    Denis Diderot publish the Encyclopedia
    Denis publoishes the first encyclopedia. Information is now easy to get.
  • Start of the Partition of Poland

    Start of the Partition of Poland
    People start and take land from Poland. They won'tbecome a country agian till the end of WWI.
  • The battle of Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and Concord
    The battle of lexington and concord take place. The war is about to get into full swing.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Declaration of Independence is signed
    Indepence is declared in America. The war starts.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    A better for of goverment is beging decided. The convention is multiple days.
  • Hispaniola slave revolt

    Hispaniola slave revolt
    One of the first a and deadly slave revolts take place.