chapter 17

  • Period: Mar 28, 1000 to

    chater 22

  • Period: Apr 29, 1390 to

    ch 19-20 event list

  • Jan 27, 1394

    prince henry of potugal is born

    prince henry of potugal is born
    he was born
  • Jan 30, 1402

    zheng he captains his first voyage

    zheng he captains his first voyage
  • Jan 29, 1425

    yonglo becomes ming emperor

    yonglo becomes ming emperor
  • Dec 16, 1439

    printing press

    printing press
    in 1439 the pronting press was invented. it helped theworld in a larg matter so all people could read and not only the ritch.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    time line

  • May 29, 1453

    fall of constantinople to the turks

    fall of constantinople to the turks
    on may 29th theconstantiople fell. it only lasted a mounth
  • Oct 19, 1453

    The Hundred Years' War Ends

    The Hundred Years' War Ends
    On October 19th the hundred years' war ended
  • Jan 27, 1487

    b. dias reached cape of good hope

    b. dias reached cape of good hope
    he reached cape of good hope
  • Dec 19, 1491

    ignatius of loyola fouds the jesuit order

    ignatius of loyola fouds the jesuit order
    in 1491 Ignatius founds the jesuit order.
  • Jan 30, 1492

    ferdinand & isabella end war with muslims

    ferdinand  & isabella end war with muslims
  • Oct 14, 1492

    c. columbus spots land in north america

    c. columbus spots land in north america
  • Jan 28, 1494

    spain & portugal agree to trety of tordesillas

    spain & portugal agree to trety of tordesillas
  • Jan 28, 1498

    vasaco da gama lands in india

    vasaco da gama lands in india
  • Dec 16, 1503

    Leonardo starts the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo starts the Mona Lisa
    he statted the painting in 1503 and ended it in 1507
  • Dec 18, 1504


    on 1501 t0n1504 the statue of david was made.
  • Dec 19, 1508

    michelangelo paints the ceiling of the sistine chapel

    michelangelo paints the ceiling of the sistine chapel
    in 1508 michelangelo paints the ceiling of the sistine chapel
  • Dec 18, 1511

    aphael paints School 0f Athens

    aphael paints School 0f Athens
    He painted between 1509 and 1511
  • Dec 19, 1513

    machiavelli writes The Prince

    machiavelli writes The Prince
    on 1513 machiavellli wrote The Prince
  • Oct 31, 1517

    matin luther posts his 95 thesis

    matin luther posts his 95 thesis
    he wrote 95 things on what he thoght about the church and nailed it to the door of the church
  • Jan 30, 1532

    f pizzaro meets atahualpa

    f pizzaro meets atahualpa
  • Mar 3, 1533

    21 ivan the terrible

    21 ivan the terrible
    ruler of russa at the age of 3 first russin to rule as a czar
  • Dec 17, 1536

    anne boleyn is executed

    anne boleyn is executed
    she gave birth to a girl but could not give bit=rth to a boy. her daughter later would become on of the best queens ever
  • Oct 12, 1537

    edwordthe vi is born

    edwordthe vi is born
    on october the 12 1537 edward the vi is born.
  • Oct 1, 1553

    Mary 1 becomes Queen

    Mary 1 becomes Queen
    on october 1st mary the first became the queen.
  • Mar 2, 1556

    21 phillip 11 becames king of spain

    21  phillip 11 becames king of spain
    ruled spain spanish netherlands and the american colonies he ganed weath by taxing gold and silver
  • Mar 31, 1571

    johannes kepler mathematician proves Copernicus and brahe

    johannes kepler mathematician proves Copernicus and brahe
    johannes keplerproves copernicus and brahe that their theorys are true
  • Mar 2, 1579

    21 willom of orge

    21 willom of orge
    willom of orge led the overthow of spain ruler in the netherlands
  • english east india comany is founded

    english east india comany is founded
  • Period: to


  • dutch east india company is founded

    dutch east india company is founded
  • 21 don quixote de la mancha was written

    21 don quixote de la mancha was written
    this was the birth of the modern european norel
  • henry hudson is last seen

    henry hudson is last seen
  • willam shakespeare dies

    willam shakespeare dies
    on apr 23ed willam shakespeare dies.
  • 21 thirty years war

    21 thirty years war
    a conflic over land ppower and religon
  • new netherlands becomes new york

    new netherlands becomes new york
  • 21 charles 1 fights parliment

    21 charles 1 fights parliment
    he allways need mouny and when parliment sayed no the got fierd
  • galileo published his many findings in dialogue concerning the two chief world systems

    galileo published his many findings in dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
    in 1632 galileo published his many findings in dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
  • rene descartes lays out his scientific method in discourse on method

    rene descartes lays out his scientific method in discourse on method
    in 1632 rene descartes lays out his scientific method in discourse on method
  • 21 english civil war

    21 english civil war
    they seanced there king to deah
  • 21 fredik williom

    21 fredik williom
    creats astanding army and makes a permoat tax
  • thomas hobbes outlined the social contract in leviathan

    thomas hobbes outlined the social contract in leviathan
    in 1651 thomas hobbes outlined the social contract in leviathan.
  • britain passes the navigation acts

    britain passes the navigation acts
    in 1651 britain passes the navigation acts began
  • 21 restoration and revolution

    21 restoration and revolution
    charles the second reighs and he made habeas corpus
  • louie in vadels the netherlands

    louie in vadels the netherlands
    he gains 12 town of sucsses
  • jacques cartier claim mississippi rivver for spain

    jacques cartier claim mississippi rivver for spain
  • isaac newton published his laws of gravity in mathematical principles of natural philosophy

    isaac newton published his laws of gravity in mathematical principles of natural philosophy
    in 1685 isaac newton published his laws of gravity in mathematical principles of natural philosophy
  • 21 peter the great

    21 peter the great
    he went to eroup on the great embassy to get hes kindom more like wesern eroup
  • 21 war of spaon succession

    21 war of spaon succession
    great briton was the biggest winner thorghs of france and spain could not be united
  • 21 russia new capital

    21 russia new capital
    the capital was call st petersburg it was build on a swampy site and 25000-10000 people died building it
  • fredrick the great begains his reign in prussia

    fredrick the great begains his reign in prussia
    in 1712 fredrick the great begains his reign in prussia
  • baron von montesquieu proposed separation of power in On the spirit of laws

    in 1748 baron von montesquieu proposed separation of power in On the spirit of laws.
  • bar von mkontesquieu purposed seperation of power in on the spirit of laws

    bar von mkontesquieu purposed seperation of power in on the spirit of laws
    in 1748 bar von mkontesquieu purposed seperation of power in on the spirit of laws.
  • denis diderot publishes the first volumes ofhis encyclopedia

    denis diderot publishes the first volumes ofhis encyclopedia
    in 1751 denis diderot publishes the first volumes ofhis encyclopedia.
  • seven years war

    seven years war
    europe was invated fought in north amrica inda erouou
  • seven years war begans 1756

    seven years war begans 1756
  • mary wollstoncraft is born

    mary wollstoncraft is born
    in 1759 mary wollstoncraft is born
  • catherine the great puts down the sert rebellion

    catherine the great puts down the sert rebellion
    in 1762 catherine the great puts down the sert rebellion
  • cesare baccaria writes aginst toture in On crimes and Punishment

    cesare baccaria writes aginst toture in On crimes and Punishment
    in 1764 cesare baccaria writes aginst toture in On crimes and Punishment.
  • declartion of independence is signd

    declartion of independence is signd
    In 1776 the declartion of independence is signd
  • delegates at the constitutional convention sign the constitution

    delegates at the constitutional convention sign the constitution
    in 1787 delegates at the constitutional convention sign the constitution
  • mozart first performs don giovant

    mozart first performs don giovant
    in 1788 mozart first performs don giovant.
  • first slave revolts in hispaniola

    first slave revolts in hispaniola