Period: Jan 1, 1350 to
Ch. 19-20 - Age of Exploration
Mar 4, 1394
Prince Henry of Portugal is Born
He was responsible for the early development of European exploration and trade with other continents. He also created the school of navigation to help out Portuguese sailros. -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Chapter 17 Events
Jul 17, 1402
Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
Yonglo moved the capital to Beijing and built as vast city known as the Forbidden City. Extended China's influence by sending Zheng He on many voyages. -
Jul 11, 1405
Zheng He captains his first voyage
Zheng He's first voyage consisted of a fleet of 317 ships and 28,00 men. He traded many things to get animals in return. -
Jan 1, 1439
Johan Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press
The invention made printing copies easier and increased literacy rates throughout Europe. -
May 9, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Roman Empire. -
Oct 19, 1453
The Hundred Years' War Ends
It was fought between England and France. The England kings owed homage to the French kings so when Edward II of England didn't pay homage the French tried taking his land and the war started. -
May 28, 1488
B. Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
The discovery of the passage around southern Africa was significant because Europeans realized they could trade directly with India and the other parts of Asia, by not taking the route through the Middle East. -
Jan 2, 1492
Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims
Isabel and Ferdinand entered Granada to receive the keys of the city and the principal mosque was reconsecrated as a church. The Treaty of Granada signed later that year was to assure religious rights to the Muslims. -
Oct 12, 1492
C. Columbus spots land in North America
It led to the first European contact with America. They Europeans had a big impact in the historical development of the modern Western world. -
Jul 2, 1494
Spain & Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas
Divided the new land discovered by Christopher Colombus between Portugal and Spain. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama lands in India
This event is famous because he was the first European to reach India by an all sea route.It also paved the way for the Portuguese to establish a long lasting colonial empire in Asia. -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Chapter 21 - Absolute Monarchs in Europe
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Ch.22 - Scientific Revolution and Period of Enlightenment
Jan 1, 1501
Donatello creates his David statue
The David statue brought a restoration to realistic nude sculpting. -
May 29, 1502
Amergo Vespucci charts New World coast
This was important because it gave Europeans an idea of what the New World looked like, Map makers named America after him. -
Jan 1, 1503
Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa
The painting would take Leonardo DaVinci the course of the rest of his life to paint the still incomplete painting, The Mona Lisa would soon be know for her smile. -
Jan 1, 1504
Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement
In 1504, Nicolaus Copernicus began the ressearch that resulted in his heliocentric theory. He returned to Poland and took a position at the Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross in what is now Wroclaw, Poland. In 1512, Copernicus became canon in the Ermland Chapter at Frauenburg (now Fromburk, Poland). In this position, he was able to devote more time to his astronomy study. In 1543 he published his findings right before he died, thus starting the Scientific Revolution. -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Jan 1, 1509
Raphael paints School of Athens
Rapheal started this painting in 1509 and painted up until 1510. Raphael painted himself into the painting along with many other very important figures. -
Jan 1, 1513
Machiavelli writes The Prince
The book wasn't printed until five years after Machiavelli died. It is claimed to be one of the first works of philosophy. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis
It started the Protestant religions and was a turning point during the Renaissance. He was also the founder of the Lutheran religion. This started the Reformation. -
Feb 27, 1519
H. Cortez lands on Mexican coast
Cortez claimed the land for the Spanish empire. As he made his way through the land Cortes recieved more soldiers and acquired more horses for his group. -
Dec 27, 1522
First slave revolts in Hispaniola
The first revolt was on Christopher Columbus's son.The slaves burnt the sugar presses and escaped. -
Nov 16, 1532
F. Pizzaro meets Atahualpa
He trapped Atahualpa by luring him to a feast in the emperor's honor and then opened fire on the Incans. Pizarro captured Atahualpa and forced him to convert to Christianity before killing him. -
Mar 4, 1533
Ivan the Terrible Assumes the Throne
His young life was disrupted by struggles for power among the boyars of Russia. The boyars fought to control him but Ivan seized power and crowned himself Czar. -
Jan 30, 1534
Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada
His first voyage helped change the French conception of North America. It was believed that the area’s only value was its fisheries he reported that there were fertile lands and the possibility of mineral wealth. -
May 19, 1536
Anne Boleyn is executed
She was a former spouse of Henry VIII and the mother of Elizabeth I. And was executed because Henry thought she was cheating on him and also didn't give birth to a male subject. -
Oct 12, 1537
Edward VI is born
Edward VI was a significant boy in his years. He was the first born son of Henry the VIII and served as king, at the age of 9, when his father died, until he died at the age of 15. He became the first youngest ruler of England. -
Apr 19, 1541
Ignatius of Loyala founds the Jesuit order
Finding the Jesuit order would prove to be a good thing for the Catholic religion. They could have Catholic schools and be taught by Catholic ministers. I.e. Creighton University in Omaha is run by a Jesuit order. -
Jul 19, 1553
Mary I becomes Queen
Mary I was the first woman to claim throne of a kingdom. During her reign, Mary was a Catholic and sought out revenge. She beheaded a lot of innocent people, and earned the name "Bloody Mary." -
Nov 17, 1558
Elizabeth I becomes Queen
Elizabeth I claimed the throne after Mary I's death. She then restored the orders of the Anglican church. -
Mar 4, 1581
Ivan the Terrible Kills his Oldest Son and Heir to the Throne
During a violent quarrel he killed his oldest son and heir. When Ivan died three years late, only his weak second son was left to rule. -
The Battle of the English Channel
Spain dispatched an attack on England in the summer of 1588. England was ready and their ships outmanuvered the Spanish vessels made significant damage to the ships. The defeat of the Armada was a very big event. -
English East India Company is founded
British joint-stock company that was formed for trade with the East Indies but ended up trading with only one Indian subcontinent. The East India Company traded mainly in cotton, silk, salt, and tea. -
Johannes Kepler mathematically proves Copernicus and Brahe
After Kepler studied Brahe's data, he concluded that mathmathical laws govern planetary movement. He also showed that the planets moved in a elliptical pattern, not a circular pattern. Kepler used mathamatic to prove his ideas, and so he showed that Copernicus was mostly right. -
Dutch East India Company is founded
It is considered to have been the first multinational corporation in the world. They would trade goods with Asia and bring them back to Netherlands. -
Galileo publishes his many findings in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
This is important because he was the first person to to publish a book that said that the Earth circles around the Sun. The church made him take back what he published even though it was correct. -
Henry Hudson is last seen
Hudson planned to use his Discovery to further explore Hudson Bay with the continuing goal of discovering the Passage. But most of his crew wanted to return home. So his crew mutinied and sent Hudson away on his own boat with his son. -
William Shakespeare dies
The significance of Shakespeare's life changed people's perspective of writing poetry. Also, Shakespeare was a fantastic writer and everyone--from then to now--loved his works. -
Thirty Years' War Begins
It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history and one of the longest continuous wars in modern history.There really wasnt a complete reason it started. -
Cardinal Richelieu Becomes Ruler of France
Cardinal Richelieu made up for all of Louis weaknesses. He became in effect the ruler of France and was a very hard working leader of the catholic church for several years. -
Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method
The scientific method is a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. It begins with a problem or question arising from an observation. Scientists next form a hypothesis. The hypothesis is then tested in an experiment. In the final step scientists analyze and interpret data and form a conclusion. -
Lous XIV Begins His Reign
He wasn't exactly the true ruler, but most of the people wanted him to be because they didn't like Mazarin. When Cardianl Mazarin died Louis finally took full control. -
Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans Execute English King
They brought Charles I to trial for treason. They found him guilty and sentenced him to death. The execution was revolutionary. -
Thomas Hobbes outlines the social contract in Leviathan
This was important because it was the first social contract ever laid out. He thought that lives in a state of nature were "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." -
Louis XIV Builds the Palace of Versailles
Louis loved to surround himself with luxury so he built the Palace.Everything about the palace was immense and luxurious. It was like a small royal city. -
New Netherlands becomes New York
Settlers lived together peacefully in New York but there was a short period of English rule when the Netherlands got the settlement back. New York was returned to the English and became the first city in the colonies to receive a royal charter. -
La Salle claim Mississippi River for Spain
On his third trip to America La Salle canoed down the Mississippi and at the mouth of the river he buried an engraved plate and a cross claiming the territory for France. -
Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It was put in the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica and first published on 5 July 1687. -
William of Orange Signs the Bill of Rights
To make clear the limits of royal power, parliament darafted a bill of rights. William officially consented to these and other limits when he signed. -
John Locke justifies rebellion in Two Treatises on Government
Locke believes that people could govern their own affairs and and to look after the welfare of the society. According to him, all people are bron equal with three rights: life, liberty, and property. If a goverment fails to protect these rights, then the people can over throw them. -
Peter the Great Embarks on His "Great Embassy"
He visits Russia to get ideas of how to get away from a feudalistic system. His ultimate goal is Westernization. -
War of Spanish Succession Begins
The war was very costly and dragged on until 1713.The big winner in the war was Great Britain, because they reicieved territories and permisson to trade slaves. -
Peter the Great Orders for St. Petersburg to be Built
The existence of the city was in jeopardy as the construction commenced during the Great Northern War. The building of St. Petersburg is mainly due to the passion that Peter the Great invested in the city. -
Maria Theresa Inherits the Throne
In theory she was supposed to be guaranteed a peaceful reign. Instead she faced years of war against Prussia. -
Frederick the Great Begins His Reign in Prussia
He modernized the Prussian civil service and promoted religious tolerance during his reign. Frederick patronized the arts and philosophers, and wrote flute music. -
Frederick the Great begins his reign in Prussia
Frederick the Great is important because he granted religious freedom and improved the education in Prussia. Frederick also is important because he didn't get rid of serfdom because he needed the support from the nobles. -
Seven Years' War begins
It involved most of the great powers of the time and affected many nations. The war was driven by the antagonism between Great Britain and the Bourbons resulting from overlapping interests in their colonial and trade empires. -
Mary Wollstonecraft is born
During her brief career, she wrote novels, treatises, a travel narrative, a history of the French Revolution, a conduct book, and a children's book. She is best known for A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in which she argues that women are not naturally equal to men, only because they lack education. -
Seven Years' War Ends
Britain was the sole winner of the war. France lost its colonies in North America and Britain gained sole economic domination of India. -
Catherine the Great puts down the serf Rebellion
The military and economy relied on serfdom heavily. Increasing demands of the state and private landowners led to increased levels of reliance on serfs. This was one of the main reasons behind several rebellions, including the large-scale Pugachev's Rebellion of cossacks and peasants. Pugachev's Rebellion lasted from 1773 until 1775. -
Boston Tea Party
On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The incident remains an important event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it. -
British Army and American Militia exchange fire at Lexington, Massachusetts
British soldiers and the American militia exchanged shots at the village green in Lexington. The fighting then spread to to nearby Concord. When the news of the fighting reached the Second Continental Congress, the members voted to raise an army under the command of Georg Washington. This battle was the first of the Revolutionary War. -
Declaration of Independence is signed
The Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as independent states,and no longer a part of the British rule. -
Joseph II abolishes serfdom in Austria
Joseph II ruled Austria from 1780 to 1790. H esupported freedom of worship, or press, and made legal reforms. His most radical reform was the abolisment of serfdom, and he also ordered nobles to pay the peasants that work for them. -
Delegates at the Constitutional Convention sign the Constitution
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. The first three Articles of the Constitution establish the rules and separate powers of the three branches of the federal government.The last four Articles frame the principle of federalism. The Tenth Amendment confirms its federal characteristics.