Chapter 14 Assessment

  • 1400


    Humanism pushed what was previously seen as acceptable. The humanists began to study past literature and began to write some themselves. Most of the humanists were in secular jobs and usually were not a part of the clergy.
  • 1400

    Creation of Modern Diplomacy

    Creation of Modern Diplomacy
    The form of modern diplomacy that we all know today came from the Italian Renaissance. During that time, the Italian states sent ambassadors to other Italian states in an attempt to have political gain. Over time, this practice evolved into the modern diplomacy we all know today.
  • 1400

    The High Renaissance

    The High Renaissance
    This time period was dominated by people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Men of that time created 3d works of art that portrayed the world they created as more natural and grand. They did those works of art in forms of paintings, sculptures, and architecture.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Color Coding

    Red = Renaissance
    Green = Reformation
    Blue = Age of Exploration
  • 1445


    Printing helped to grow how many documents were circulation and who could get their hands on a written document. Before large scale printing, documents were less common and there were not many copies in circulation.
  • 1469

    Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

    Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella
    The marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella helped to join Spain together and create a more unified country. They worked with each other to give themselves more power and control over their people and the Catholic Church.
  • 1483


    Luther challenged the Church and created a new branch of Christianity that quickly gained traction. Through his writings and words, he attempted to change the minds of the papacy and the people.
  • 1492

    Discovering the New World

    Discovering the New World
    On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus found the Bahamas which is part of the New World. From there the exploration in this new land expanded.
  • 1498


    Originally the goal for these European countries was to strike it rich with the spice trade. While Portugal went for the route around Africa, the Spanish wanted to see if a more efficient route could be found by crossing the Atlantic. Instead, Christopher found the New World and found an even better avenue for making that money.
  • 1500

    Price Revolution

    Price Revolution
    Since more goods could come from the New World the world back in Europe experienced a jump in prices because of the influx of precious metals being imported.
  • 1500

    The Slave Trade

    The Slave Trade
    During the age of exploration, the slave trade grew because the demand grew for forced labor in the New World. Because of that millions of people were sold into slavery for monetary gain.
  • 1500

    Colonies within the Americas

    Colonies within the Americas
    During the Age of exploration countries like Portugal and Spain created colonies in the new lands they had found. After that other countries like France and Britain also came over to become more powerful and wealthy. The natives were ruined because of their efforts to become rich and powerful.
  • 1509

    The Reformation of England

    The Reformation of England
    In an attempt for King Henery VIII to divorce his wife he got the Chuch involved and attempted to change things. In the end, he did not do much change and people did not listen to the reforms.
  • 1520

    The Peasants War

    The Peasants War
    The Peasants War forced Luther to choose between the princes on whom he relied on or the people in which he knew were correct. In the end, he chose the Princes, but he also informed them that they were wrong and how they deserved what the peasants were doing to them.
  • 1538

    Increased Education

    Increased Education
    During the time of Reformation, few religious groups wanted the public to be educated simply so that they could read the Bible for themselves and grow in their faith without having to rely on the clergy or the pope
  • 1545

    The Council of Trent

    The Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent was a group of people that got together and unified the Church under a single doctrine. That unification helped in keeping the Catholic Church under control.