Chapter 11 Timeline

  • Period: to

    Chapter 11 Timeline

  • 1 yr from today

    Getting close to end of degree. Want to have done plenty of volunteer work and have foot in the door with a school.
  • 2 yrs from today

    I want to be graduated with my degree. I want to have a job at a descent school. I don't mind what grade as long as I have a job.
  • 5 yrs from today

    I want to be working at a school I enjoy. I want to be making enough to have my own place and support those in my life.
  • 10 yrs from today

    I want to be in the grade I like most. I want to be at a school I love with colleagues I like to work with. This should be the school that I see myself working for the rest of my career. I would like to have gone back to school and gotten my masters degree.
  • End of career

    This should have been the final year I work at the school. I want to have been retired by now. I want to have had a good long career. I want to be missed by my colleagues and loved by students. I am even ambitious enough to think that I could have been principle for a few years before retiring.