Unit 1 Timeline (1)

By zfejes
  • 2000 BCE


    The Mayans are an early tribe in Mesoamerica the were conquered by the Spaniards in 1697 AD. Category: Society and Culture
  • 1000 BCE

    Adena and Hopewell Tribes

    The Adena and Hopewell tribes were a Native American tribe located in what is now Kentucky and Ohio. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 300 BCE

    Hohokam Tribe

    The Hohokam are a tribe in what is now Southern Arizona. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 100 BCE

    Anasazi and Pueblo Tribes

    The Anasazi and Pueblo were a native American tribe in what is now Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages aka the Dark Ages were the era where the black plague rose up and the church was a big deal in everyday life. Category: Society and Culture
  • 1142

    Iroquois Tribe

    The Iroquois were a Native American tribe in what is now New York State. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a charter agreed to by King John and limited his power as king. Category: Domestic Policy.
  • 1300


    Aztecs were a tribe in Central Mexico. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 1300


    The Renaissance was a period in European history that means "Rebirth". It was about art and individuality. Category: Arts
  • 1474

    Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

    King Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain ruled Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. Category: Politics
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    The Columbian Exchange was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, and culture between the Americas and the Old World. Category: Technology and Innovation
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Columbus was an Italian explorer that was sent to the new world by Spain trying to find India, but instead found the Carribean Islands. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 1500

    Middle Passage

    The middle passage was a trade between the Americas and Africa for slaves. Category: Economics.
  • Mar 30, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer that accompanied Columbus on his second trip in 1493. He also discovered Florida while looking for the fountain of youth. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 1517


    The Reformation was the era of when Martin Luther split from the Catholic Church and created the religion of Protestantism. Category: Religion
  • 1535


    Viceroyalties are conquered lands ruled by viceroys in New Spain. Category: Geography.
  • 1539

    Hernando de Soto

    Soto was a Spanish explorer which led the first European exploration into what is now the USA. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 1540

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

    Coronado was a Spanish conquistador who led and expedition to present day Kansas. Category: Society and Culture.
  • 1542

    Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

    Cabrillo was a Spanish Explorer that went on an expedition to the California coast and discovered present day San Diego. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth 1

    Queen Elizabeth 1 was a the ruler of England and the last ruler of the House of Tudor. Category: Politics
  • Spanish Armada

    The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships that set sail to invade England. Category: Politics
  • King James 1

    King James 1 was the ruler of England from 1603-1625. He over many colonies like Massachusetts and New York. He was king during the colonial period. Category: Society and Politics.
  • Jamestown, VA

    Jamestown was the first settlement in the colonies in Virginia. It housed criminals and people looking for religious freedom. Category: Geography.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was founded by the Dutch fur traders. The first English settlers were Thomas Hooker. Category: Geography.
  • House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses is the first legislature in Virginia.Governor George Yeardley found the new legislation. Category: Politics.
  • Massachusetts

    Massachusetts was founded in 1620 when the Pilgrims settled in the town of Plymouth. Category: Geography.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact was the charter that the Pilgrims had to sail over to the colonies and make a settlement. Category: Society and Culture.
  • New York

    New York was founded by the Butch first along the Hudson River but the English took it over after a short battle. Category: Geography.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire was founded by Captain John Mason with land he was given by the Council of England. Category: Geography.
  • Puritans/Pilgrims/Separatists

    The Puritans, Pilgrims, and Separatists are all people who separated from the Catholic Church and moved to the New World. Category: Religion.
  • Maryland

    Maryland was founded by the catholics for the catholics by Lord Baltimore. Category: Geography.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams who was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Category: Geography.
  • King Charles II

    King Charles II was the ruler of England from 1660-1685. He was beheaded during the English Civil War. He was king during the colonial period. Category: Society and Politics.
  • Carolina

    Carolina was a colony founded by eight noble men with land given by Charles II. It split due to cultural differences in 1729. Category: Geography.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey was founded by Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley. Category: Geography.
  • Indentured Servants

    Indentured servants were servants in a contract with their employer with how many years they have to work for them. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania is a colony founded by the Quakers and named after William Penn. Category: Geography.
  • John Locke

    John Locke was a philosopher that believed that men were good by nature and men had the right to life, liberty, and property. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Two Treatises of Government

    The Two Treatises of Government was a book written by John Locke that stated men create government to protect their unalienable rights. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Plantation

    Plantations are large farmhouses in the south that have slaves working in the fields to bring in profit. Category: Economics.
  • King George 1

    King George 1 was the ruler of England from 1714-1727. He was the first German ruler of England. He was king during the colonial period. Category: Society and Politics.
  • King George II

    King George II was the ruler of England from 1727-1760. Was ruling during the colonial period in the Colonies. Category: Society and Culture.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was founded to be a buffer state between the Spanish and English colonies. The colony was founded by James Oglethorpe. Category: Geography.
  • Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts are a set of laws which restricted foreign shipping of goods to the colonies. Category: Foreign Policy.
  • French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war was fought by the Iroquois, the French, and the English over land in present day Ohio. Category: Politics.
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    The Treaty of Paris 1763 ended the French and Indian war and settled that the French would give up any North American land. Category: Domestic Policy.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 states that all settlement of the colonies past the Appalachian Mountains was forbidden. Category: Domestic Policy.