Chapter 1 ece

  • Johann Amos Comenius

    Johann Amos Comenius was the first to recongize we need to be eudcating children at a young age. he believed all kids should be entitled to learn
  • John locke

    John locke belive that every child was born equal. They started as a blank slate. Their infulence is based of their enviroment. (Tubla rasa is the term for this)
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed children learn by experience alone, and experience is the raw material of thought.
  • Johann Henrich Pestalozzi

    It was believed that children needed to be taught ortientendt education aswell. Pestalozzi designed lessons that introduced children to geology, natural science, and geography. He also introduced field trips so that students could interact with their surroundings.
  • Robert owen

    Robert owen came up with idea that children will flourish if treated with respect in their educational upbringing
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel

    Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel was the invented of kindergarden. he deisgned hads on learning aswell.
  • Kindergarten

    German was the first country to have kindergarten. Kindergarten has gone through many social changes throughout the years. At first it was for poor students and then it went to be led by churches. The kindergarten we know today is the first grade that students enter when they go to school to help them become more independent and prepared for the following grades.
  • Rudolf Stiener

    Rudolf Stiener came up with the theory that the first 7 years of a childs life is the most cricuial.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori was the first italian woman to earn a medical degree. With this degree she began studying children with dieases and children with intellectual dieases. while doing this she became more intresrested in education
  • A. S Neill

    A.S neill. he wanted good schooling to be free for all.he also believed that children were good.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the big push on science in education. it encourages people to go into science and engnrerring.
  • High scope

    high scope is a criculium for math, reading and sience
  • Head Start

    Head start allows children too grow physical, cognitive, social, and emotionally for toddlers and infants through care giving
  • social reform

    the educational system can be shaped and used as a tool of social engineering to transform society
  • DAP

    It is devolpmental apporite pratice. It is when kids preform tasks and pertake in playfullness that are age approitate for them. these "approiate task' are based off age
  • Standards

    Standards are accomplishments that studnets reach in schools. They are in subjects such as english and math through k-12. helps montor childrenns accomplishments
  • No child left behind

    The no child left behind act told schools they were responable for the childrens success. If schools had many students who were not doing well they would have to fave conquences. Motavating them to help students out more
  • Media and Technology

    Media and Technology has really had an impact on children it is to be studied what is being blended into the childrens brains with tv and media