
Chapter 1 and 2 timeline

  • 300


    Meroë was a large impressive city with monuments, temples and boulevards. It controlleg agricultural trade and was a center of metallurgy.
  • 356


    The Qin dynasty is well known for the development of Legalism.
  • 551


    Developed in the warring states period, Confuciasm was a set of philisophical beliefs, on a foundation of the importance of family.
  • Oct 13, 600

    Iron Metallurgy

    Iron Metallurgy
    Around 600 BCE iron began to replace bronze for tools and weapons.Metalworkers in China where the first to forge steel by removing carbon during the iron smelting process.
  • Oct 13, 1000


    People living in Central Europe around 1000 BCE where known as Celts. Celtic people had no certain ruler, but where violent and sometimes childish in their attempts to out do one another
  • Oct 13, 1000

    Roman Conquest

    Roman Conquest
    Celtic Roman conquest began around second century BCE. Rome observed the Celtics, and had an influence on their languages, which can be traced back to latin.
  • Oct 12, 1045

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    Zhou created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify the overthrow of the Shang dynasty. The Zhou was well documented by the Book of Documents, The Book of Songs and many other historical records
  • Oct 13, 1045

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    Developed by the Zhou to justify the overthrow of Shang, the Mandate of Heaven was a philosophy that required a king to look out for the welfare of his subjects.
  • Oct 13, 1200


    Olmec was the first Mesoamerican civilization. The culture included intesive agriculture, wide ranging trade, cerimonial centers, and monumental construction.
  • Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang dynasty is the first Chinese dynasty with written history. The history is written on oracle bones, which are the underside of turtle shells. This written language is still used around China today.
  • Hammurabi's code

    Hammurabi's code
    Hammurabi's code layed the foundations of dealing with legal cases. Hammurabi's code also established social classes within Mesoptamian society.
  • Caesar

    Caesar conquered Gaul in 58 BCE, and recorded the accounts of the Celtic peoples.
  • Heiroglyphics

    Heiroglyphics was the written language of Egypt. Pictures represented sounds,syllables or concepts and where used on monuments.
  • Xia Dynasty

    Xia Dynasty
    The Xia dynasty is one the first dynasties of early China. Little is known about this dynasty, and it was suceeded by the Shang dynasty.
  • Daoism

    Daoism, opposed to Confuciasm, focused on letting nature take it's path, and one's wishes would come true, instead of taking action. Daoism blamed knowledge for the problem on men, and placed dependence on the heirarchy.
  • Warring States

    Warring States
    The warring states period was a time of fragment and rivalry, and also a time of development. Confuciasm and Daoism both emerged from the period, as well as larger, stronger states.
  • Chavin

    Chavin was the first was the first urban civilization in South America. Theu depended on llamas to trade and transport goods. The Chavin were much like the Olmec
  • Semites

    Semites where a group of people in west asia and northern africa. They spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, and Phoenician. The most modern Semites are Arabiac.
  • Mohenjo-Daro

    Mohenjo-Daro was one of the largest cities in the IVRC, and located in the center of the floodplain. Mohenjo-Daro was architectually advanced.
  • Indus River Valley

    Indus River Valley
    The Indus River Valley Civilization began in 2600 bce and ended around 1900 bce. The Indus River Valley was located in the fertile plains of the Indus River. Farming was a large part of the Civilization's urban lifestyle
  • Harappa

    Harappa was one of the great cities of the IVRC. Harappa was believed to be a center of great trade along the "northwest zone of cultivation"
  • Sumerians

    The people who dominated southern Mesopotamia through the end of the third millennium B.C.E. They were responsible for the creation of many fundamental elements of Mesopotamian culture, such as irrigation technology, cuneiform, and religious conceptions, taken over by their Semitic successors.
  • Cuneiform

    Cuniform was an ancient form of writing developed around 3000 BCE. Cuniform was made by making wedge shaped marks into cla tablets. Cuneiform was established in Mesoptamia, and used by scribes.
  • Egypt

    Egypt was one of the ancient river valley civilizations located on the Nile river. The Nile flooded periodically which allowed fertile soil and crops to grow for the Egyptians. Pharoas where rulers of the kingdoms in Egypt, and where believed to be gods sent to keep the cosmic order.
  • Nubia

    Nubia was a region along the Nile river. Nubia was a trading center rich in resources that. The region made a huge mistake in 701 bce, in aiding the Palestine against the Assyrians.
  • Bronze age

    Bronze age
    Time of bronze use for tools and weapons between 3300 and 1200 bce
  • Ag revolutions

    Ag revolutions
    From gathering to farming between 8000 and 2000 bce. Aka Neolithic revolution
  • Mesoptamia

    Mesoptamia was a ancient river valley civilization that began around 8000 bce. Mesoptamia is located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It is also known to have the earliest agriculture development