Gen. Grant Defeats Seymour for Presidential Seat
New to the scene, Grant defeated Horatio Seymour. Grant Had been the new sung hero for the north during the Civil War. That and the fact he was not a "Traditional" politician pushed him to the top -
James Fisk and Jay Gould attempt to take contol of the nations gold market.
Fisk and Gould concocted an ingenius idea to control the gold market. While trying to convince Grant (Directly and by paying off his brother in law) to make the National Treasury to refrain from selling gold.They bid up the price of gold, but the treasury still released it. -
The Tweed Ring Ends.
"Boss" Tweed and his men used, bribery, graft, fake elections and intimidation to keep the peoples mouth shut. Then the New York Times got ahold of evidence to put Boss away. Though the NYT was offered 5 million to keep their mouth shut which let to Boss Tweed Getting locked uo. -
Panic of 1873
Again, The economy started to crash, and people paniced. This time however, the businesses that kept the nation afloat had sunk huge sums of money into RR's, mines, factories, and grainfields. The market could not take it. There where riots in New York City, and African-Americans were hardest hit. -
Credit Moblier Scandal Exposed
The Pacific RR co. created a subsidary company of contractors and hired itself. This Inflated prices by uo to 300%. when this caught wind, they payed of key congressmen in shres to keep them quiet. This Led to a congressional Investigation and prosicution -
Civil Rights Act
Hays-Tilden Election, Standoff, and Crisis
The tow canidates faught for the three remaining desouted states, Louisiana, South Carolina, Florida. They sent men down to try and swing the vote in favor of themselves. The votes came in and were sent to congress to be counted by the president of congress. They thought of this as scandelis and need someone to count. These events led to the comprimise of 1877. -
Comprimise of 1877
Ruled that congress setup and electoral commision to count votes. These men came from all over Washington. This put Hays in power on the condition all Federal Troops were withdrawn from the south. -
Reconstruction Ends
With the comprimise of 1877, and the new president pulling all forces out of the south, reconstruction is now over -
Garfield defeats Hancock
Garfield barely defeated Hancock.On Sept. 9, 1881 Charles Guiteau assassinated Garfield -
Arthur assumes Presidency
Garfield not even into his first year of power is assassinated, and VP Arthur takes over. He turned on his crooked buddies and surprised everyone with his prosicution on a few fraud cases. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Pres. Chester Arthur signed this act into law which forbade any "chinamen" to immigrate. This was the 1st major immigration act. -
Homestead Steel Strike
When Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Frick, moved toward 24hr a day operation with less wage and longer hours in the homestead mill. A mass uprising. During this strike there were a total of 35 casulties. On top of that, the strike was a major setback for workers rights. -
Pendleton Act sets up Civil Service Commisson
The Pendiltion act made it Illegal for people to be hired, fired through political affiliation. On This note the Civil service commission was formed. -
Cleveland wins, Blain Loses
Grover Cleveland beats James Blaine in 1884 breaking the longest democaratic losing streak of 6 elections. -
Harrison Overcomes Cleveland
William Henry Harrison Beats Grover Cleveland. -
1890 was the 1st year congress was ever able to pass a Billiion Dollar budget -
Depression of 1893
Similar to the Panic of 1873, this depression was caused by over building of RR's ect... Was the worst depression or panic up untill this time. -
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
AKA the revenue act set a 2% income tax -
J.P. Morgan banking system loans Fed Government 65 Million
J.P. Morgan ended the Panic of 1893 by loaning the government 65 Million. During the depression the countries gold supply dwidled. They used the 65 Million to buy gold.