
Changes in teen pregnancies

By Th1844
  • 1st Month

    1st Month
    She will feel swollen and some times is natural de vaginal bleeding, she can feel abdominal pain, this are the early signs of a pregnancy, the test now can show positive and you dond have anymore your period and your sences are better like the smell and taste, this sometimes can cause discomfort,
  • 2nd Month

    2nd Month
    She can feel streesed because of the pregnancy, and because of the desicion that she is going to make about the baby, she will experiance depression for more than 2 weeks, she will have a lot of changes in her temperament.
  • 3rd Month

    3rd Month
    Her blood volume continues to increase, it can cause nosebleed, the face will be smoother and shinier, the belly starts to increase and people can start noticing now the pregnancie.
    In this month the pregnancie is starting to get ready for the birth, at this moment the baby starts to show and you could listen the heart beat of the baby.
  • 4th Month

    4th Month
    The body strats to change, she can notice the sking starting to darkening mainly on the nipples, under eyes, and armpits, the hair will be darker, The appetitre strats cahnging and the mom will start eating things that she wouldnt eat wile she is not pregnant.
  • 5th Month

    5th Month
    The baby starts kicking, now the beely id really big and the baby too and has 1,000 times more the sice since the first month, teh mom wil start a better conection with the baby, and the baby will start to move now a lot and it will be noticed that the baby is growing bigger and bigger. Because the baby is growing the mother is going to feel pain every time the baby moves.
  • 6th Month

    6th Month
    There will be ligament pains bacuse of your organg that the baby is pulling and streching, the body from now is different there will be more curves and cleavage, sometimes the bood presure droops but not always. The nails grow faster and the hair grows thicker.
  • 7th Month

    7th Month
    She can feel dizzy sometimes and this will be normal, in this month anything that has chemicals in it can affect the mother or the baby, by this time the mother should take vitamins because the baby needs more nutrients at that age. In this month the mother will feel more achy.
  • 8th Month

    8th Month
    She will need to be prepared because it can be that the baby comes before and this is usual. by this time the baby should start hering and being estimulated by the sounds, because of the weight of the baby so this causes muscular pain, the mother can get uncomfortable wile sleeping. She can have by now leaking breast beacuse innot long, the bosy will be ready to breastfeed.
  • 9th Month

    9th Month
    Tne skin expands, in any moment she can give brith, when the baby moves a nerve has pressure it is only a matter of time for the contractions to star and this can happen for some days. Now more than ever she should visit the doctor and see how the baby is and to decide if it will be natural or by an operation, the baby will be born after a few hours of contractions, each mom is diferent.