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Changes in my family in terms of technology

  • The communication was in letters

    The communication was in letters
    My mother, father and my uncles had to write his messages for the other family members or friends in a letters
  • First televisions

    First televisions
    My father and mother look tv whit her families the weekends, were very bigs
  • First computers

    First computers
    The family of my father and my mother they had their first computers that was more big and cumbersome
  • First cell phones

    First cell phones
    My father and mother had them first cell phones, were very bigs and don't have very much functions
  • First most portable cell phones

    First most portable cell phones
    My father and mother had their first portable cell phones whit tape
  • The television it has updated a little

    The television it has updated a little
    My father and my mother were had a television more updated, but equal was very big and don't have others functions.
  • First tactil phone

    First tactil phone
    My father and mother had their first portable cell phones whit tactil screen
  • The computer it has update a little

    The computer it has update a little
    My fathers buy a computer more actualized
  • Cell phones more actualized

    Cell phones more actualized
    My fathers buy a cell phones more actualized whit more funtions
  • New portatil computer

    New portatil computer
    My father's buy a new computer, potatil more advace whit very much functions for make differents activities, for my study
  • Used de tecnologgy for the video calling

    Used de tecnologgy for the video calling
    The video calling was a gigant opportunity in the pandemic, because for him this we could stay conected from distance, with aplications like, zoom, google meet, teams, etc. This means was the form by which we manage to communicate and reunite with our family in pandemic.
  • The tecnology in actuallity

    The tecnology in actuallity
    In the actually the technology is the base for our world, because it gives us many alternatives, and makes our lives easier. For this reason is actualized constantly to provide better services.