Changes in Life for Peasants in The Middle Ages

  • Period: 501 to 600

    Three-Field system

    The three field system was created during the 6th century. This benefited peasants with their farming. Horses were used instead of oxen and food supply increased.
  • 800

    Charlemagne's rise to Power

    Charlemagne provided protection to the peasants and wanted justice to be applied fairly. He sympathize with peasants to which he allowed them to participate in commerce.
  • 901

    Magyars Invasion

    The Magyars invasion was so terrible the European Peasants burnt their fields and destroyed their villages instead of giving them up.
  • 1000

    Commercial Revolution

    Trading became more accessible and peasants had the opportunity to a better life. The commercial revolution lasted a few centuries from the 11th century-about the 16th century.
  • Period: 1000 to 1347

    Open-Field System of Agriculture

    Most of Northwest and Central Europe used the Open-Field System where peasant holdings in the forms of strips of land scattered through the fields belonging to the manor.
  • 1143

    Extreme Famine over England

    Peasants of both sexes and all ages died due to lack of food. Some tried to survive by eating dog and horse, even if it was forbidden. But most wasted away and died.
  • 1215

    Declaration of Magna Carta

    A clause in the Magna Carta limited the fines that could be imposed on unfreed peasants or velleins, to prevent depriving them from their livelihood.
  • Period: 1233 to 1234

    Stedinger Crusade

    A was against the rebellious peasant from Stedinger approved by the pope over religion. Peasants were forced to pay their tithes to their archbishop in 1234.
  • Period: 1300 to 1500


    Peasants were taught to pray in Latin, although they did not understand the language. Religions was a big part of a peasants life even if they could not read anything themselves.
  • Period: 1348 to 1350

    Increased Demand for Peasants

    After the Black Death, there was a decrease in workers, this caused for a raise in demand for the agriculture economy of Britain.
  • Jun 18, 1349

    The Ordinance of Labourers

    This ordinance passed after the Black Death to limit the peasant's freedom from moving into more lucrative work places.
  • 1358

    Peasant raise

    There was a rise of peasants in the central provinces after Charles Navarre had control over Paris.
  • 1363

    Sumptuary Law

    A way for government to try and stop rising wages and social aspirations. Sumptuary Law sought to establish clothing and colors worn by different classes and to limit their diets.
  • May 30, 1381

    The Peasant's Revolt

    The peasant's revolt happened after a tax collector tried to impose a poll tax for the third time in four years.
  • May 8, 1429

    Joan of Arc

    A peasant girl who successfully led the French military. She was accused of witch crafts and years later she was pardon and seen as a hero.