Chair 2

Chairs Timeline

By isadan
  • Widson Chair

    Widson Chair
    In january 1, 1620 Windsor copied after furniture popular during reign of king James of England . Local woods such as pine, cherry , maple , and oak. Handles and ornamention, made of wood; no metal being imported from England early on. Ornamention of furniture include: cheap carving, primitide painting, bulbouds turnings, and moldings of split spindles.
  • Pennsylvania Dustch

    Pennsylvania Dustch
    It all start in the first line produce assembly in New England. Usually thechair is painted blackwith turned legs and ruch seat. Bused on Sheraton Empireform. The back of the chair are made horizontal rails and verticalstats. Also the back originally i hand painted by women. Also the chair is painted by the Pensilvania Dutch.
  • Federal Sheraton Chair

    Federal Sheraton Chair
    Keep chairs back with straight lines and square shapes. Keep backs as open as posible. Single cross rails, vertical uprights and trellis effect. Tapered legs include spade toe.
  • Art Deco,Club Chair

    Art Deco,Club Chair
    The club chair was a first made in Barcelona. They made the chair in May 8,1920. The club chair was made to be clean and to have a minimal design.
  • Barcelona Chair

    Barcelona Chair
    Just like it name says,the chair was made in Barcelona.The chair is archtectural in style. Also, it has a good use of chrome and glass. The chair uses neutral colors and bold color accents.
  • Bertoia Diamond Chair

    Bertoia Diamond Chair
    If you look at this chairs they are made of air. Space paces write throught them. They are made all of metal. The chair has little squares so the air can pass.
  • Richard 3 Chair

    Richard 3 Chair
    The Richard Chair was first made by Pillipe Starck. Pillipe is well know for making the Richard Chair. It has a size of 36.36. 75.31 inch. The chair was made in France.
  • Nelson Bench

    Nelson Bench
    Despite having no experence disining furniture Gorge Nelon created the nelson bench and he desinet by him self. Miller fold descoverd that the Nelson bench was useful and he started to bring them to othr places so they can get money.
  • Maloof Rocker

    Maloof Rocker
    The chair was made by Sam Maloof. The chair was made in California. The chair was made in 1995. The chair is all of wood because Maloof consider him a woodworker.
  • Rover Chair

    Rover Chair
    The Rover Chair was made by the designer Ron Arad. The chair was made in the country of United Kingdom. The height is 78 cm, it's width is 69 cm, and it's depht is 92 cm. The materials that Ron used include: Steal frame, and leather car seat.