
Ch. 4 Timeline

  • WW1 starts

    WW1 starts
    Someone shot Archduke Ferdinand and Austria held Serbia responsible and declared war. Everyone made alliances.
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    This is the first war that involved countries worldwide. Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were the leaders of the Central powers. Russia, UK, Italy, Japan, and France.
  • America enters WWI

    America entered World War 1 because Germany was sinking American ships in the Atlantic and they tried to get Mexico to fight the US.
  • America Enters WW1

    America Enters WW1
    America entered WWI because Germany sank one of their ships and they tried to get Mexico to fight them.
  • Omaha race riots

    Omaha race riots
    The white people rioted for a number of reasons, one of them was Will Browns lynching.
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    The Great Depression

    This was a time in the 1930s when the economy was doing very bad and everybody got really sad because they had no money.
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    Dust Bowl

    A series of dust storms that covered the plains of America and there was a lot of droughts.
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    The Dust Bowl

    It was a severe drought season that made the plains of America very damaged and dry. The wind made huge clouds of dust blow across areas and destroy them.
  • The first Unicameral session

    In 1937, George Norris's idea of a Unicameral vs. a Bicameral came true and they had their first official session on January 5.
  • First Unicameral Session

    First Unicameral Session
    The first session of Nebraska's Unicameral. They had a Unicameral because it was cheaper and more simple. This was the first time that it worked.
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    The Second World War was a fight between Germany, Japan, and Italy, (the Axis powers) and the Allies, (US, Britain, Russia, and China.
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    The Germans didn't like getting beaten so they started taking people over. Then the Allies protested it by fighting back and the Germans got allies and made the Axis.
  • Blitzkrieg

    This was the German strategy of winning the war and it obviously didn't work because they still lost.
  • America enters WW2

    America entered WW2 because Japan went and bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
  • Period: to

    SAC is at Offutt Air Force Base

    They moved it there so that nobody could bomb it because it was in the middle of the country. (I couldn't find an end date, so I just said until present day.)