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Chapter 3/4
The Sugar Act
On April 5, 1764, the Sugar Act was passed. Parliament, who passed the Act, agreed it would help Britain. The Sugar Act put a tax on all sugar and molassas imported into the colonies. The city most affected by the tax was Boston. Parliament passed this to raise money for the army. -
The Committees of Correspondence
Samuel Adams helped found the Committees of Correspondence. This was created to challange the new British laws. The first groups met in May of 1764. The committees were held across the 13 Colonies.The committees were actually colaberations of towns and and colonies. -
The Stamp Act
The British government continued to search for ways to tax the colonists. George Grenville thought that this would not have sparked anger in the colonies. This tax was put on all paper products. The tax was enforced on September 18, 1765. The main taxation was in Boston. The goal was to raise money for the government. -
The Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams founded the Sons of Liberty. The Sons were formed in Boston. They fought against the Stamp Act. The Sons began in mid-October. They sometimes used violence against British officals. -
The Townshend Acts
The British government were the ones who enforced the tax. The Acts were passed in June of 1767. The main area where it was most affected was Boston. The goal was to decrease smuggling. The tax was on glass, paints, paper, and tea. -
The Boston Massacre
In Boston, the bloody massacre took place. Five colonists died protesting the taxes. On March 5, 1770, the massacre took place. The Colonists and British soldiers had their own little war. The British soldiers felt threatend by the Colonists. -
Tea Tea Act
This act was the last remnant of the Townshend Acts. The British government still kept this tax. The Tea Act was all that remained in October of 1773. All colonies, mainly Boston, were affected by this. The government wanted to end smuggling with cheaper tea. -
The Boston Tea Party
In an act of revenge to the Tea Act, 340 chests of tea were ruined. The Bostonians did this against the British. The Boston Harbor became a teapot that night. The Boston Tea Party ocurred on December 16, 1773. Colonists dressed as Mohawkan indians dumped 1 million dollars worth of tea into the harbor. -
The Intolerable Acts
Lord North was furious with the colonies at that point after the Boston Tea Party. These Acts were rules that all Colonies had to obey. These Acts were passed in March of 1774. Boston was mostly affected by this. This was the punishment to the colonies for the Boston Tea party. -
The First Continental Congress
This meeting was made up of representatives from every colony but Georgia. It was held in Carpenter's Hall in Philidelphia. The meeting was held in October of 1774. They met to discuss how Britan was treating America. They met to discuss serious topics threatning the colonies.