Ch.17 Reniessance and Reformation world history project

  • Period: Jan 16, 1390 to

    World History

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Prince Henry of Portugal was born

    Prince Henry of Portugal was born
    Fourth son of John 1. He lead the expedition that captured Ceuta.
  • Jan 28, 1402

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
    Yonglo became emperor after his father, Hongwu died in1398. He moved the Ming capital to beijing and built a city surrounded by high walls.
  • Jul 11, 1405

    Zheng He captians his first voyage

    Zheng He captians his first voyage
  • Aug 16, 1439

    Johan Gutenberg invents the Printing Press

    Johan Gutenberg invents the Printing Press
    Johan Gutenberg invented the Printing Press in 1439. It increased the literatcy rate. It also
  • Apr 6, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
    The fall of Constantinople to the Turks. Started F April 6, 1453 and ended May 29 1453. The fall marked the end of the Byzantine Empire that lasted 1,100 years.
  • Aug 9, 1453

    The Hundred Years' War ends

    The Hundred Years' War ends
    The Hundred Years' War started in 1337 and ended in 1453. The war was fought on French soil and is believed to reduce france's population by half. The started for the control over the Kingdom of France.
  • Aug 27, 1488

    B. Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope

    B. Dias reaches Cape of Good Hope
    He sailed around the southern most tip of Africa. He was the first to do this.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims

    Ferdinand & Isabella end war with Muslims
    The war was a joint project between Isabella's Crown of Castile and Ferdinand's Crown of Aragon. They surrendered the Emirate of Granada, the city of Granada, and the Alhambra palace to the Castilian forces.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    C.Columbus spots land in North America

    C.Columbus spots land in North America
    He sailed for the Spanish with the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. He landed on an island that is now part of the Bahamas.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Spain & Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas

    Spain & Portugal agree to Treaty of Tordesillas
    Spain controlled the land found west of the imaginary line. Portugal controlled the land found east of the imaginary line. It was first defined by Pope Alexander VI.
  • May 29, 1497

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco da Gama lands in India

    Vasco da Gama lands in India
    He sailed around the southern tip of africa and made a sea route from Europe to Asia. He by passed the Muslim nations that controlled the overland spice trade.
  • Apr 19, 1503

    Leonardo Da Vinci starts the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo Da Vinci starts the Mona Lisa
    Leonardo Da Vinci started painting the Mona Lisa. It is an oil painting and is believed to be the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. He continued to work on the painting through out his life.
  • Feb 12, 1504

    Donatello creates his David Statue

    Donatello creates his David Statue
    Donatello created the David statue in 1504. The statue is the biblical hero David and is made out of marble. It was transford to Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence.
  • May 30, 1504

    H. Cortez lands on Mexican coast

    H. Cortez lands on Mexican coast
    He led an expedition that led to the fall of the aztec empire
  • Mar 9, 1508

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo started painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1508 and finished in 1512. Pope Julius the second requested Michelangelo to paint. The ceiling is 131 feet long and 43 feet wide.
  • Jun 21, 1509

    Raphael paints School of Athens

    Raphael paints School of Athens
    Raphael painted the School of Athens in 1509. It is one of his famous pieces of artwork. It is now known as the Stanze di Raffaello, in the Apostalic Palace in the Vatican.
  • Apr 18, 1513

    Machiavelli writes The Prince

    Machiavelli writes The Prince
    Machiavelli starts writing The Prince. He started writing in 1513 but did not publish it until 1532, five years after his death.
  • Feb 18, 1516

    Mary the 1st becomes Queen

    Mary the 1st becomes Queen
    She was oldest daughter of King Henry the 8th. During her rein she got the nickname "bloody mary".
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis

    Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis
    Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis on the Wittenburg Church. This started the Protestant Reformation.
  • May 27, 1522

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola
    It was the first successful slave revolt. A much greater slave revolt happened acouple of years later.
  • Nov 16, 1532

    F. Pizzaro meets Atahualpa

    F. Pizzaro meets Atahualpa
    200 spamish conquistadores went against several 1,000 incans. The spaniards won and captured Atahualpa
  • Apr 20, 1534

    Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada

    Jacques Cartier claims land in Canada
    He explored the west coast of New Foundland and discovered Prince Edward Island.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn is executed

    Anne Boleyn is executed
    Wife of Henry the 8th is executed. This allows Henry to marry June Seymore.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    Edward the 6th is born

    Edward the 6th is born
    Edward is the only son of Henry the 8th. He solidfied the Anglican Church.
  • Apr 19, 1541

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order
    Starts order of Preists. Reforces church of Education
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth 1 becomes queen

    Elizabeth 1 becomes queen
    Only Anglican Daughter of Henry becomes ruler. Start of Elizabeth age.
  • Mar 4, 1566

    william of orange/ the dutch revolt

    william of orange/ the dutch revolt
    He played a key role in the dutch revolt. He took military and political control of the rebellion.
  • Mar 4, 1580

    Philip the second inherited spain

    Philip was the only heir of the king of portugal.
  • Prince henry IV

    He inherited the throne after his mother and her last son died. He became Henry IV th efirst king of the Bourbon dynasty in France.Many cathilics opposed Henry.
  • Dutch East India Company id founded

    Dutch East India Company id founded
    It is a 21 year monopoly that carried out trade activities in Asia. It was granted by the States General of the Netherlands.
  • Don Quixote

    it is often called the birth of the modern european novel. the book was written by Miguel de cervantes and he wrote about a poor spanish nobleman.
  • Henry Hudson is last seen

    Henry Hudson is last seen
    He went adrift in a small boat with his son and several loyal crewmen. He wanted to search for an outlet from James Bay.
  • William Shakespeare dies

    William Shakespeare dies
    William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616. It is a mystery on how he died but historians predict that he died from a fever called "new fever" that was discovered the year he died.
  • Ferdinand II

    Ferdinand II
    He was head of the Hapsburg Family. He ruled the Czech kingdom. The Protestants in Bohemia did not trust him.
  • New Netherlands becomes New York

    New Netherlands becomes New York
    Peter Miniut bought Manhattan from the native americans. He estabilshed New Amsterdam and it later became known as New York City.
  • Galileo publishes his many findings in Dialogue Concerning the two chief world systems

    Galileo publishes his many findings in Dialogue Concerning the two chief world systems
    Galileo compared the Copernican system with the traditional Ptolemaic system. The book was abest seller and was translated into Latin in 1635.
  • Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method

    Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in Discourse on Method
    The book is influential on modern philosophy and the evolution of natural science. Descartes brings up the problem of skepticism and he started his line of reasoning by doubting everything.
  • Louis XIV

    He was the most powerful ruler in french history.He was only five years old when he became king.
  • Thomas hobbes outlines the social contract in Leviathan

    Thomas hobbes outlines the social contract in Leviathan
    Hobbes said that lives of individuals in the state of nature was poor, nasty, brutal and short. The state system grew out of the social contract and was anarchic and was now in competition with each other.
  • Britain passes the Navigation Acts

    Britain passes the Navigation Acts
    The navigation acts restricted foriegn ships being used for trade between the colonies and Bratain. These acts minimized the loss of gold and silver to foreigners.
  • La Salle claim Mississippi River for Spain

    La Salle claim Mississippi River for Spain
    He claimed the valley fo rthe French King, Louis XIV. He named the area Louisiana in his honor.
  • Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    Isaac Newton published his laws of gravity in Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
    Isaac wrote three books about his laws of gravity. He corrected his first personal copy and then published the next two.
  • John Locke justifies rebellion in Two Treatieses on Government

    John Locke justifies rebellion in Two Treatieses on Government
    John Locke first published the "Two Treatises on Government" anonymously. The first reaty is about patriarchalism and the second one is about Locke's ideas for a more civilized society based on natural rights.
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit makes the first mercury-in-glass thermometer

    Gabriel Fahrenheit makes the first mercury-in-glass thermometer
    Gabriel Fahrenheit was a physicist and a glass blower. He also invented the fahrenheit temperature scale.
  • Maria Theresa

    Maria Theresa
    Charles VI had other leaders of Europe sign an agreement that declared they would recognize Maria Theresa as the heir to all his Hapsburg territories. She faced many years of war. Her main enemy was Prussia.
  • Fredrick the Great

    Fredrick the Great
    He followed his father's military policies but he also softened some of his father's laws. Him and his friend tried running away but got caught his father punished him by making him watch his friends beheading. He was known as Fredrick the Great since then.
  • Fredrick the Great begins his reign in Prussia.

    Fredrick the Great begins his reign in Prussia.
    Fredrick the Great had no children during his lifetime. He also reined during the seven years war.
  • Denis Diderot publishes the first colume of his Encyclopedia

    Denis Diderot publishes the first colume of his Encyclopedia
    In 1752 the project was suspended by the courts. Accusations were brought up about the entries on religion and natural law.
  • Seven Years' War begins

    Seven Years' War begins
    Also known as the French and Indian War. It started over french's expansion over the Ohio river.
  • Cesare Baccaria writes against torture in On Crimes and Punishment

    Cesare Baccaria writes against torture in On Crimes and Punishment
    This marked the high point of the Milan Enlightenmnet. Baron put arguments against the death penalty in it.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty got on three ships in the boston harbor and threw 342 chests of tea into the harbor. Some of the men were dressed as Native Americans.
  • Catherine the Great puts down the serf Rebellion

    Catherine the Great puts down the serf Rebellion
    Catherine gave the serfs the right to file complaints about nobles if they did not hold up their side of the deal. She did this because they would no longer be able to come to her directly and she did not was to be bothered by the "peasantry".
  • Joseph Priestley separates oxygen from the air

    Joseph Priestley separates oxygen from the air
    Joseph Priestley found oxygen by heating red mercuric oxide and had a colourless gas left behind. He called it “dephlogisticated air”.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Declaration of Independence is signed
    This document stated that the thirteen colonies were not part of Britian anymore an were their own independent states. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Joseph II abolishes serfdom in Austria

    Joseph II abolishes serfdom in Austria
    This allowed serfs to get married without being stopped because of previous aquiasitions of a certificate. This also allowed serfs to learn any trade , handicraft, ect.