Cells and Microscopes

  • Jan 1, 1000


    In 2600 B. C. E. Egyptians started using lenses to took at objcts
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to


  • First microscope

    First microscope
    only for opaque objects
    magnified 20x
  • The phrase "cell" was coined.

    The phrase "cell" was coined.
    the phrase "cell" was coined
  • discovery of certained cells

    used microscope that powered 300x
  • achromatic lenses

    resolution of 1 micron
  • Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden propose the "Cell Theory."

    Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden propose the "Cell Theory."
  • Donne' publishes the first micrographs

  • Ernst Abbe publishes his work on the theory of the microscope.

    Ernst Abbe publishes his work on the theory of the microscope.
    formula of magnification to resolution
  • Ernst Leitz microscope is introduced with a spinning mount for 5 objectives.

    Ernst Leitz microscope is introduced with a spinning mount for 5 objectives.
  • Walther Flemming discovers mitosis.

    Walther Flemming discovers mitosis.
  • August Kohler worked out light source and filter to obtain the best image projection.

    August Kohler worked out light source and filter to obtain the best image projection.
  • microtomes begin to appear for sample preparation.

    microtomes begin to appear for sample preparation.
  • Period: to

    Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch both become engaged in microscopy and the study of bacteria.

  • Ernst Abbe designs apochromatic objective that brings red, yellow and blue into one focus.

    Ernst Abbe designs apochromatic objective that brings red, yellow and blue into one focus.
    uses ten elements
  • The first commercial UV microscope by Zeiss.

    The first commercial UV microscope by Zeiss.
    resolution twice that of visible light microscope
  • Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska build the first electron microscope.

    Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska build the first electron microscope.
  • Ruska builds the first electron microscope that exceeds the resolution of the light microscope.

  • First electron micrograph of a biological sample.

  • First scanning electron microscope is built.

    First scanning electron microscope is built.
  • Siemens supplies the first commercially available electron microscope.

    Siemens supplies the first commercially available electron microscope.
  • Fritz Zernike discovered he could view unstained cells using the phase angle of rays.

    Fritz Zernike discovered he could view unstained cells using the phase angle of rays.
  • First ultra-microtome built by Porter and Blum.

  • Scanning Probe Microscope is invented and works by measuring current.

  • Scanning laser confocal microscope is commercially available

  • Atomic Force Microscope is invented and measures force instead of current.

    Atomic Force Microscope is invented and measures force instead of current.